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Rain in Italy

Our long awaited and planned trip i approaching.
We will be in Italy starting September 4th...
I finally checked the weather, and although its about a week away,
It is forecasting for rain for the first 6 Days of our trip! (we have 11 nights in Italy).

What a bummer. It shows "scattered thunderstroms" with 40-80% rain coverage for our 2 nights in Venice, 3 Nights in Florence,
and so far our first day in Vernazza... I hope things change

We have bought waterproof rain jackets, and protective shoes.

Any Other practical Advice or encouragement for what is looking like a wet wet Italy trip?

trying not to be bummed out....

Posted by
11613 posts

Be ready for changes in weather, forecasts are not always reliable.

Firenze has so much to do indoors, rain may affect you less there than in Venezia. If you are interested in photography, rainy weather can give you some great photos.

Posted by
34352 posts

Anything more than a few days out is a guess.

40% chance of rain means 60% chance of no rain. And scattered means most people won't get one.

Posted by
45 posts

I looked up the weather on multiple sites and realized they are all different, so I guess we will have to wait and see.

Posted by
16773 posts

It's much too far in advance for any sort of accurate report, and it's unlikely in any event to rain constantly for 6 days. But there's never much we can do about the weather but go with whatever we're thrown. There are tons of museums and churches to see, cafes to sample, and I'll agree with Zoe that rain can make for interesting photo ops!

Posted by
3943 posts

They can't even correctly predict the weather here on the day it is happening. Twice this week they called for clouds and rain for the day and within an hour or two, the sun was out and it was hot and humid. So always take weather reports with a very large grain of salt!

It could be raining in one spot yet a few miles down the road, the sun is out. You are prepared with your gear...just make the best of it. I always try to plan indoor stuff for rainy days (churches, museums...)

Posted by
420 posts

We were in Rome & Tuscany in June. It would be a beautiful sunny perfect very warm day. Out of nowhere there would be a down pour for 30-60 minutes. Then half an hour there was no sign that it rained. Or it would sprinkle. There was never so much rain that we had to deter our activities.

Posted by
2504 posts

Wait until you see how green and beautiful Italy is! Couldn't be that way without rain. When it's still raining a bit and the sun comes out, look in the opposite direction from the sun for a rainbow. Look for reflections of the gorgeous buildings in puddles. Make the most of that rain!

Posted by
11852 posts

Our first trip here we faced the same thing and it turned into mist the night of arrival in Venezia and rain the day we departed Vernazza. Stay calm, get up early, and seize the early morning hours when rain is less likely and many tourists are sleeping. 7:00-10:00 AM are usually the best hours of the day for MANY reasons.

Posted by
23671 posts

First time, you cannot do anything about it other than be prepared. The probability of it raining 24/7 is zero. Most people fail to understand what a weather forecast means. A 50% of rain does not that you have a one change in two of being rained on. Has nothing to do with you. It means that in the area of the forecast that there is a 100% probability of rain falling on 50% of the area of forecast. There will be rain, just where is uncertain. My guess is you will be dry most of the time.

Posted by
5295 posts

In addition to rain gear for us, we fold up a plastic trash bag with a small slit cut into the closed end and stow it in an outside luggage pocket. The luggage handles for our roller bags fit through the slit and act as a "rain coat" for the luggage on those occasions when we have to walk a distance in the rain with the luggage in tow.

Posted by
16243 posts

Weather forecast tends to be reliable only up to 5 days out.
A study of the prediction made by 50 weather stations in the USA showed that the reliability of weather forecast 6 to 10 days out is only 40% (that means 60% of the time the forecast is wrong).
Weather forecast beyond 10 days is based primarily on historical averages.

It's Aug 27 today and most weather stations/websites give a forecast only up to 10 days out (Sept 5).
My own city of Florence is forecast to have scorching hot weather from now until Sept 4, when temperatures are forecast to drop to about 80F with a 40% chance of showers (which is like saying that there is a 60% chance of no rain). The forecast for Sept 5 (which is probably the day you arrive there) is again sunny to partially cloudy. There is no reliable forecast beyond Sep 5.

I would look at the forecast the day before you depart to find out what will happen in the next 5 days. That prediction is likely to be reasonably accurate. Anything else is speculation.

The most likely weather in early September in Italy is hot. So I'm sure you will welcome a few showers.

Posted by
45 posts

Thank you all !!! Love love your input. Now I am excited come what may :-) I have now realized even more that I cannot focus just on forecasts... ecpspecially far out and that even if it rains it will most likely not be all day every day. Haha. Thanks for input!

The percentage of rain is referring to the area that will recieve rain.. not the chances of rain as someone mentioned above-- I learned that in a Geography college class years ago.

I am hoping to put an overview of our trip afterwards.

Posted by
45 posts

Should we bring water repelling jackets or waterproof? Both sets are thin and light...
We also have a strong umbrella... I would prefer repelling but I feel like Waterproof is "safer"

Posted by
16773 posts

Votes seem to be split on rainwear versus umbrella (there was a recent thread about that) so whatever works. I like an umbrella as it keep my camera bag dry, and I can shoot one-handed under cover without getting the lens wet.

Posted by
110 posts

Two years ago my husband and I spent two weeks in Italy beginning in mid-April. Like you, I worried about the weather before we went. I worried that it would rain a lot because it was April.

And...well... it rained. A lot. Not every day (probably 10 or 11 of the 16 days we were there) and never all day definitely rained. Especially in Venice.

You know what? It really and truly didn't matter. WE WERE IN ITALY!! Italy is beautiful and full of delights no matter what.

We had an amazing time in an amazing country and the rain was...incidental. It was even nice at times. On several occasions we found ourselves sitting in an outdoor cafe under a large table umbrella eating amazing food while the rain fell around us. Lovely.

It will not rain all the time but it will not matter if it rains... a lot (though everyone is correct...its too early to know). You will LOVE ITALY!! Have a wonderful trip!

Posted by
11613 posts

I find it difficult to handle a camera and umbrella. I usually pack a couple of cheap blue plastic ponchos to slip over myself and messenger bag, and then throw the smurf ponchos away (they cost about $1). I also carry a small umbrella.

Posted by
4 posts

Thank you for this post! We are also going to be there the same time as you, and I was getting pretty bummed at the weather reports. All your comments have brightened my day! I'm not worried now!

Posted by
1540 posts

I actually like a poncho (5 dollar one in the same department that sells mens work boots )
I am a 5' 2" woman so this was plenty of bulk to cover my back pack on move of which was TORENTIAL rain.....

Posted by
524 posts

Someone I work with mentioned they use rain jackets....with hoods! I was dismissing wearing in summer because of the heat. However, I could see using that in Venice walking in the alleys. She got hers at a sporting store. I will probably take the lightweight ones I already have and then look at the forecast a few days out before deciding to pack an umbrella. If I was taking checked baggage I would for sure.

Posted by
8293 posts

Look at it this way. Where would you rather be on a rainy day .... your home town or Venice?