If it’s in your budget, consider buying a used unlocked smart phone. Look at it as a travel tool, not as a phone. You can download your music and leave the MP3 player at home, use it as a GPS, download Rick’s tours on his app, download his guidebook, research sites and attractions, stream on line music, buy Trenitalia tickets, etc. + it’s a phone! When you get to Italy, buy a TIM for visitors SIM (€35, gives you 15 gigs of data usage, SMS texting, international telephone minutes). Just make sure if buying a used phone that it will work in Europe and make sure it works before you leave home. I used to bog myself down with guidebooks, a Garmin GPS, iPod, paper maps, print outs of directions or reservations, rail tickets. Now it’s all on my phone that I slip into my pocket. A trip to Europe is expensive. Weigh the cost of getting and using the phone in comparison to the investment you’re making for your trip.