Hi! I'm still in the earlier planning stages for this trip, still saving up the cash to go. But I'm hoping to get to Florence sometime late next fall (to take advantage of the cheaper flights and hopefully smaller crowds; weather's not really a concern for me). I know it's crowded, overdone, etc, but Florence is still my dream trip. I'm not 100% sure how long a trip I'll be able to manage, but I think 7-9 days at most (travel time included) is most realistic. I've issued an open invitation to a couple of friends if they're able to manage it, but since I can't count on that, for now I'm planning the trip as if I'll be going alone. I have a couple of questions if anybody can help! Please forgive my tendency to be overly verbose.
It looks like flights into Milan, Bologna, or even Venice are quite a bit cheaper than flying directly into Florence. I was considering flying in to one of these cities and then taking a train to Florence. If I did that, I think I'd want to spend a day or two in one of those cities, even if it's just to make it less of a hectic travel experience. (Not super interested in Milan but Bologna looks interesting. And for Venice, which is another sort of dream city for me, I'd want to spend at least 2-3 days, I think.) But I also don't want to end up overcomplicating things & I've read that the high speed trains can be pricey anyway. Would I be better off spending the extra money to fly directly into Florence, do you think? Or would the savings (& opportunity to explore another city) end up being worth it?
Does anybody have suggestions for lesser-known hill towns that are easily accessible by public transport? Or well-known hill towns, for that matter?
What about coastal towns -- anything that's doable in a day trip from Florence, accessible by public transport? I know it's off-season in the fall but I'm not a demanding traveler in terms of activities or whatever. I'm good if I can just enjoy the atmosphere and count on being able to grab lunch.
Anybody have a favorite coffee bar in Florence?
What about some favorite, lesser-known areas of Florence? Not sure if that's even possible in such a touristy city, haha, but I would love to hear about some places you loved, lesser-known or not!
While I'm on that subject -- any fellow book lovers, are there any libraries or bookshops that are a must-see?
I should note that I'm definitely not trying to pack all of these things (side trips and all) into one 7-9 day trip. I'm just in super early stages of planning, so I'm trying to get more info so I can decide which way to go. I would be fine with saving Venice for another time, for example. I've got chronic pain & fatigue anyway so I need to take things slow. So I'm trying to do like Rick says and prioritize well and assume that I'll be back. :)
Thank you in advance!