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Questions about train and transit strikes

I have tried to find information in previous threads and elsewhere online but I still have questions about how to plan for and navigate during strike days. Any advice will be appreciaated.

I am arriving at Milan Malapensa on Sept. 30 and planning to take the Malapensa express to Cadorna station very near my hotel. The Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport (Mit) strike calendar shows a 23 hour strike on Trenord that day. Should I consider this schedule pretty definite or likely to change?

The Trenord website states that Trenord strikes include the Malapensa Express. For Sept. 7, it says that there will be special busses from Malapensa to Cadorna station. Can I expect busses also on Sept 30? Do you buy a train ticket to use on these busses or is there a special bus ticket?

The Trenord site says that there will be "no activity" on the guaranteed trains. This is probably a dumb question, but does “no activity” mean no strike activity or no normal train activity?
If the guaranteed trains are running on a strike day, is it reasonable to expect to get on one or are they impossibly mobbed? I know these trains don’t sell out but what happens if you buy a ticket but can’t get on? Can you take a later one with the same ticket?

I am travelling solo so a taxi would be very expensive unless ridesharing with strangers is common on strike days.

On Oct 5, the calendar shows local transport strikes, nationally. I will be traveling from Ortisei to Padua on Oct 5. How do I find out what and where local transport is affected? Is the bus from Ortisei to Bolzano local transport?

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2437 posts

1. Yes, consider the September 30 Trenord strike definite. There will be substitute buses running the route of the Malpensa Express.
2. “ No activity” means there will not be a strike against the guaranteed trains. They will run as usual. If, miraculously, you can buy a ticket on a guaranteed train with a seat reservation —do it today.
3. If you hold a ticket on a train that gets cancelled, Trenitalia will try to put you on the next available train, if that is possible. For more certainty, however, it would be better to travel by long-distance bus or take a train on another day as there will be thousands of other passengers trying to rebook their train tix at the last minute.
You are entitled to a refund on any cancelled train you have booked— deal with that after returning home.
4. The October 5 Nationwide strike is targeting all buses, trams and commuter trains. This could be the most problematic for you if you plan to take the bus from Ortisei to Bolzano. Those buses might not be running and a taxi will cost about €140. If you already have a hotel booked in Ortisei, I recommend contacting your hotel and asking them about the strike affecting you. Once you are in Bolzano, you should be able to get to Padua on a Trenitalia train since the strike will only affect Trenord and local commuter trains.
If necessary, you might want to advance or delay leaving Ortisei by one day.

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582 posts

Thank you for very helpful information! I went ahead and bought a ticket on a guaranteed (unaffected) Malpensa express train for Sept 30. There are no reserved seats on the Malpensa express, so I don't know if having a ticket means I will actually be able to get on the train.

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215 posts

We will be travelling from Bolzano to Varenna on 5 October to Varenna. We have tickets on Trentalia to Milan Central (with seats) and tickets from Milan Central to Varenna on Trenord, 1st class . How concerned should we be about the 2nd leg of this trip?

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582 posts

I have no expertise on the strikes or schedules but my (limited) understanding is that no trains are involved on Oct. 5; only other forms of local transport so your train travel should not be affected.

For the Ortisei to Bolzano bus on Oct 5, I contacted the Ortisei Tourist Information and they said they have not seen anything affecting the busses but to check back closer to the date.

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582 posts

Kcdav: Please don't rely on my comment. See the discussion on another thread on October strikes. I believe you posted your question there too.

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215 posts

Yes, I did, desperate for any information, but appreciate the tip on contacting the local tourist board.