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Question regarding booking with expedia

We will be traveling to Italy in July, and had originally booked with expedia, but the original dates had to be changed due to getting tickets for the Bocelli concert in Lajatica and now we are really having problems getting air tickets. Seems like expedia talks out of both sides of their mouth, so to speak. we have credits for the airfare, understandably, andwhen we go to book they say that they won't be able to give us the fare that is published on their website, but we really can't book any other place, as we did find a better price than they are offering (theirs is about $300 more), and the say that their price guarantee doesn't apply. I have spent over 3 1/2 hours over two days trying to get some results, with none. Has anyone else had any problems, and what solutions if any did you get.

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15963 posts

UNfortunately, when you book with services like Expedia, they get you with the initial low price, but there is so much small print regarding changes, that no one bothers to read it all.

Unless they are willing to give you a refund (I doubt it), or honor their price guarantee (which I'm sure isn't in effect because you're changing your tickets,) the best you can get out of this is a lesson....if you're going to book online, book directly with the airline and wait until you are sure of your dates. At least with the airline, you know yoru change fee ahead of time.

Next time you talk to Expedia, ask to speak to a supervisor. That might help.

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255 posts

There is a guy by the name of Christopher Elliott who sometimes works with various people in the travel industry to resolve situations such as yours. Look him up on Google for contact information. Good Luck.

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529 posts

Half the problems that Conde Naste Travel magazine ombudsman section deals with are like this and they're people that have been trying for months. They also say to put it in writing and send (email) to customer service and not just try to deal with it on the phone. Then you at least get documentation.

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3551 posts

Regretablly this is getting to be the norm with changes almost with anyone besides expedia. And then there is the change fees!!! In June, I bought 2 tickets to Europe & I wanted to pay with 2 credit cards. It took over an hour to explain it to the rep in India for Cheaptickets. If the fare hadn't been so good I would have hung up. So now I just figure what ever it is I will have to spend an unreasonable amount of time getting it done.

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88 posts

Thanks to all for some good information. I have contacted Chris Elliott who informed me to contact a higher up with Expedia, which I have sent an email to. We will see what happens. My biggest complaint is that Expedia "says" that they can't even honor the current price for the same trip at any given moment on their website, because they "say" that they have to book directly from the airline, HELLO... aren't they booking with the airline for ALL flights???? I did have the package protection insurance, which will cover the change fees, but I feel that Expedia is trying to charge a higher fare than the, at the time fare on the website, to recover the change fee, as a hidden price in the cost of the ticket. Very interesting and VERY dishonest. I have also contacted the insurance company directly, and will be proceeding with the information that I have received from them.

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88 posts

Just wanted to bring everyone up to date on this situation. I contacted Chris Elliot as I said, and he advised contacting a VP at Expedia. To my pleasant suprise I have received a call from Expedia, and some very patient woman was able to take care of the situation and book our flights on our desired flight times for a very nominal charge, not the $200/$300 more that was originally quoted. She also took care of the change fee, which was covered with the original package plan, so that it wouldn't ever hit my credit care, and have to be credited back. She turned a very unpleasant experience into a very satisfactory resolution. Thanks to everyone for the information you have given me.

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16 posts


I'm glad that your problem was resolved. My only bit of advice, would be to hold off on the travel and lodging purchase until you have your concert tickets booked for sure. I had to learn that the hard way.


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88 posts

Just a note, that we already have our tickets in hand for the concert, otherwise I wouldn't have gone through this nightmare. I was able to get the airfare booked, but had to go to the extreme to do so. I emailed one of the VP's at expedia and they were very helpful then. They took care of the booking at only a mininal amount additional for the airfare, but I have booked the hotels elsewhere since there is no penalty if they are cancelled. Expedia charges a fee if any of the reservations at hotels are cancelled, no matter what the time frame is prior to the scheduled booking date. Thanks for your concern, but we do have the tickets, and I am elated.

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1 posts

Did you find a place to stay in Lajatica?
I am having alot of difficulty.

Any ideas?
I already have my ticket to the concert in July....
but no place to stay yet.
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