Hi all! I read somewhere on this site that melatonin is illegal in Italy and it got me thinking... I have rheumatoid arthiritis and take certain meds as daily maintenance and on an as needed basis, and I need to know where to find an accurate source to determine if they are legal. The medications are: Plaquinel Tylenol w/codeine
Prednisone Thanks!!
They won't care unless you're smuggling in cartons of the stuff.
Nope - no cartons. Just a decent supply for the 90 days. I just don't want to bank on them "not caring" and end up being the 1 lone statistic of a person who got searched and ended up on the lastest episode of "Locked Up Abroad".
Bring them in their original containers, which will establish that YOU have been been prescribed the drug by a physician in the US. That should take care of it. We've had no reports on this site of any US citizens/residents being detained in Europe for having prescription medication that is legal in the US, when in the original containers with your name on them.
If melatonin is illegal and I take on a regular basis will it be confiscated? should I bring it in it's original bottle or just bring it in a baggie along with my other supplements? Thanks.
I organized all of my supplements into little baggies & labeled them "breakfast", "lunch" & "dinner" because I take my supplements three times/day. Needless to say for a 3-week trip, I had A LOT of these little baggies & thought that this would raise some eyebrows at the airport. My husband organized all of his supplements the same way & no one ever looked at them at all or asked any questions! I also take melatonin & no one would be able to tell in a baggie full of supplements which one is melatonin. I take 2 prescription drugs and I simply took the paperwork from the pharmacy that comes with the drug with my name & drug information on it. I never needed to show it to anyone but had it just in case. I did a google search & can't really tell whether melatonin is illegal in Italy or not. I saw that it's illegal in Germany & it appears also the UK but can't find anything definitive about Italy. I wouldn't worry about it. I really think you'll be okay taking it to Italy.
Monique, Are you going to be carrying a prescription in case you need "refills" during the trip? It might be a good idea to discuss this with your Physician, and have the prescription clearly written using generic names as well as brand names. Happy travels!
I've taken supplies of medications and a variety of other pills numerous times to Italy, France, and England. I have never had a problem with anybody looking at my pill collection. Even with Melatonin. I can't think of any place where your luggage would be examined. TSA in the USA will check your bag thru; on the European end of your flight nobody is likely to check. If you are concerned, get a printout of your meds from your healthcare provider or pharmacist. I always take enough pills for my entire trip. If this is a problem for you, you can usually buy vitamins and some other meds in pharmacies in Europe. If you have prescriptions from the USA, a pharmacist in Europe can fill them, as far as I know. Take enough of your prescription meds and melatonin and any pain meds for your entire trip. Aspirin, which is cheap and easy to buy here, is sold in small packs for high prices in Italy.
Monique, take at least an extra week's worth of your prescription meds just in case you get stuck in Italy due to a natural disaster, etc. Better to have it with you & not need than need it & not be able to get it.
Last trip to Italy we bought hubby some melatonin at a pharmacia so it definitely is not illegal there and very easy to get. Just keep either a prescription letter from your doctor or pack pills in the original containers. We always try to get letters from our doctors with any prescriptions to take with just in case of any emergencies. Having alternates to be able to ask for in the countries you are visiting would also be handy.
Thanks everyone!
I do plan on taking all 90 days worth of meds. I just don't want to run the risk of not having the medication I need. Working in a pharmacy, I know how when you get used to taking a cetain medication from a certain manufacturer and then suddenly change, or when you go from using brand to generic, there can be an issue with how your body reacts - not ALL the time and not ALL medications, but just don't want to take that risk over-seas. But from what everyone says, having the original bottles and also having the print-out from the pharmacy (awesome idea!) should do the trick.
I don't think anybody will ever see your 'stash', but I AM concerned (as UNconcerned as I am) about the codeine...I don't know which Tylenol you have, so do bring the prescription for it. I anticipate NO problems, though.
Eileen - it's Tylenol #3. I think of all the meds that is the one that I was most concerned about because it contains a controlled substance. My sister takes Vicodin on as as needed basis for a health issue so she'll be taking a bottle as well. But then again, it's not like it's medical marijuana or something controversial (which, by the way, is a controversy I am not trying to ignite right now. That's just a comment...) I feel confident that the same pre-cautionary steps would apply for both of us.