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Purchasing Roma Pass through the web site for Colosseum reservations

One option on the web site where one makes a reservation for entrance to the Colosseum is to also purchase your Roma Pass at the same time. Does anyone know where and when the Roma Pass is available if you purchase it this way? If we make an entrance reservation for the afternoon, can we get our Roma pass earlier in the day so we can begin using it earlier?

Posted by
16878 posts

The coopculture website says:

The visitor can also purchase the Roma Pass together with the
reservation of the scheduled entrance time. The card can be collected
at the ticket desk of Palazzo Merulana, Via Merulana 121, near the
Colosseum, open from 08:30 to 21:00 from Wednesday to Monday
on Tuesdays). This purchase will produce a receipt including the card
and the reservation. The Rome Pass will have to be used for access to
the monument.

As far as I know, you can 't use the card for any discounted entries until after you've used it for your free entries (1 or 2 depending on the value of the card you purchased). So even if you can collect it before your scheduled Colosseum entry time, you can't use it in advance of that visit if you only have 1 free entry and intend to apply that to the Colosseum/Forum/Palatine. It's might be possible to use if you have 2 free entries and only use the card for one of those before the Colosseum.

But you might want to email either the Roma Pass or coopculture with your question:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Posted by
4105 posts

The pass is easy to purchase at Fiumicino Airport, Termini Station and at all included museums. You do not have to have purchased it before you make reservations to the Colosseum.

Posted by
16878 posts

True, You wouldn't HAVE to buy it through the Coopculture site, and do not have to have purchased it through the site to make your mandatory reservations.

Posted by
34 posts

Thanks again. I had mistakenly assumed making a reservation at the Colosseum was the same as at the Galleria Borghese. The last information I read for that museum was that you needed your Roma Pass first before making a reservation. With your help I'm now up-to-date and ready to take care of our Colosseum reservation.

Posted by
16878 posts

No, you don't need to have purchased your Roma Passes in advance to make a reservation at the Borghese:

From the Rome Pass FAQ page:

For reservations to the Borghese Gallery and/or Domus Romane/Palazzo
Valentini, please call +39 06 32810 (open Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to
6:00 pm – Saturdays, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm) or send an email to
[email protected]. The booking fee is free. Bookings can be made
directly from the visitor’s home country, even before purchasing the
For reservations by email, booking confirmations will be
provided within 48 hours.

Posted by
4105 posts

And... if you haven't received the confirmation in 48 hours check your spam folder.

All things Kathy and I have learned and really never wanted to. 😁

Posted by
16878 posts

LOL, Gerri! Isn't THAT the truth!
And about the time I think I know something, they go and change it! πŸ™„

Posted by
4105 posts

Yep, Kathy, waiting with bated breath to see more changes in Florence. πŸ˜‚

Posted by
16878 posts

Arg. I fear they're not done messing with that pass either.

Posted by
72 posts

we bought timed entry tickets and had a guide with the same, which worked fine. we bought them on the official website

Posted by
16 posts

It looks like the Omnia Card covers the Vatican and many of the sights ie the Colosseum. My question is do I need to make reservations at the Vatican or do I move to the front of the line with the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card?

Posted by
4105 posts

The Omni card is purely a convenience for people who do not want to research anything, and is just a bunch of passes/cards grouped together. It's really not worth purchasing

For St Perters and the Vatican Museum, you can purchase a timed entry guided tour for €38.

The Rome Pass 72 hour covers 2 free entries plus these discounted entrances. And 3 days transportation, bus, metro, tram. Cost €38,50.

You do have to make reservations for the Colosseum €2,00. One is also required for the Borghese Gallery, but there's no charge.
You dot have to purchase the pass to book these.

Edit. If you want a tour of the colosseum that is an extra cost. Explore options at...

Rome is a pedestrian city, the hop on off busses are worthless as far as getting to actual sights.
Save your money here, and take a few strategic taxi rides i.e. Between the Colosseum and Vatican or an evening ride while Rome is illuminated.

Hope this helps.

Posted by
16878 posts

The Omni card is purely a convenience for people who do not want to
research anything, and is just a bunch of passes/cards grouped
together. It's really not worth purchasing

Gerri nailed it. The Omnia is a seriously overpriced pass that I've NEVER seen recommended on this forum or any others I frequent. They inflate the costs savings and do not clearly inform people up front about the attractions, like the Colosseum and Borghese, which require reservations. This text for the Borghese:

"Roma Pass holders can pre-book their ticket for the Borghese Gallery."

That should read "MUST prebook their ticket...."

Savings? No, you do not save €24 for the Colosseum, Forum and Palatine as claimed. A timed-entry combo ticket from all 3 sites through coopculture is only €14. A regular entry ticket to the Vatican Museums is not €30.00 as Omnia claims, it's € 21.00; 17+ 4€ reservation fee through the Vatican website. Whether you have a ticket or pass, no one skips the security queue. And don't miss this text on the Omnia website:

"You can now pre-book your entry tickets to the Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel to reserve your entry slot with the Omnia Vatican & Rome Pass! Simply follow the instructions on your confirmation email and reserve a time-slot within the 72 hours validity of your Omnia Vatican & Rome Pass."

Hmm, so why not just buy timed-entry tickets, cheaper, through the Vatican itself?

Follow Gerri's advice. πŸ‘