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purchasing masks in Venice

Any suggestions for reputable shops in Venice where we can buy masks made in Venice; have seen several posts stating that some goods in Venice are actually made in China.

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322 posts

I was told the Bodrin brothers located on the Norther end of the Rialto brigde was a safe bet. Found this also :Before buying a mask in Venice visit the Boldrin brothers
La Bottega dei Mascareri is at the northern (market) end of the Rialto Bridge, on the right as you come down. In this tiny studio/shop brothers Sergio and Massimo Boldrin are two of the few authentic maskmakers left in Venice. Their papier-mache masks depict characters from the Commedia del' Arte, suns, moons and other wonderful faces. Their range of prices includes the very affordable, and they will ship purchases home for you in a timely manner. Their work has appeared in galleries around the world, films, and theatre.

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56 posts


Rick recommends "Tragicomica" (near the Friari church), pages 200-201 in his 2008 Venice Book...the owners, Walter and Alessandra are original mask makers and very warm people. Alesandra told us it takes 2-4 weeks to make one mask and her shop has hundreds at very reasonable rates. We bought two masks off them and she even signed the inside of them for us! We showed here Rick's Book when we were explaining how we found her and she told us Rick had just been there to check in on them and to make sure what he writes is still accurate. Highly recommend you visit them.

On another unsolicted note, beware those Gondola sure and bargin for the price and time BEFORE you get in...unfortunately I read that after we got ripped off and we got a 10 min loop around the (water) block for the price of what Rick says a 30-40 minute ride costs...worst part of Venice IMHO, but the only downer of the whole trip...we went in Mar 08 and had great weather.

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65 posts

I have visited the "crazy cat" mentioned on a previous post

and I would recommend this shop. There are several places to purchase masks in Venice, all with varying quality. Most shops selling low quality masks. I think the mask purchased at this place ran 30-40 euro. It was a beautiful traditional mask with feathers. The man that runs this shop is very helpful--he will pack it so it will not get ruined. He also has a few other artsy papermache products that he sells. I see he doesn't have the address on his website but you could email him.

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166 posts

Try this one. Atelier Marega,Campo San Rocco 3046/a
telephone 0039 0415221634, located in the heart of Venice. they make all of their own mask, most are papier-mache, the real thing. I bought one of their mask a few weeks ago while visiting Venice and it's one of the best I've seen. By the way the price was under 100 euro, lots of lace and crystal. If someone wants to see what it looks like send me a private email and I'll send a photo. Atelier has a website,


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466 posts

Any mask that you buy in Venice that is made in Venice will cost you a small fortune. I spent $200.00 on a mask and it was not very large.

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65 posts

I would second the recommendation for Atelier Marega. In 5 trips to Venice over 7 years, this is the shop we've gone back to again and again. We've made a point to visit every mask shop we've heard about. Masks have become our chief Venice collectable.

We found the masks here to be consistantly more unique and attractive than at other places.

Don't pay much attention to what's on the website. For whatever reason, I don't think the best stuff is shown there.

Have a good trip, and don't forget to look around at a bunch and decide for yourself!

Best regards,

ps: Mondo Nuovo is good also:

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6 posts

My 10 yr old son bought a mask at a small shop in Santa Croce, near where we stayed. I'm sorry to say I don't know the name of the place but it was a combined workspace and sales shop. My father was able to watch the shopkeeper work on a mask for I assume his masks are not made in China. :)

The man was very happy to show my son many masks and let him try them on. The one my son chose is a simple leather mask with a leather strap-for 15 euro (originally 18.00). It's stamped "Bertolini, Venezia" inside. Much better choice for my son than the (more expensive) paper mache in the souvenier stands.

The shop is in Santa Croce, on Largo Bari or around the corner in Campo N. Sauro. There is a pizzaria and a few other shops nearby...and including, I think, a standing gelato cone sign. This isn't far from the train station-just cross the 1st bridge and follow the signs for San Marco/Rialto.