Has anyone visited a special place for all types of leather goods while in Florence? Do you feel the prices are a deal or nothing special?
Be forewarned a great deal of leather goods sold in the Leather market are imported from China. Global economy you know. That said try shopping at the Leather Guild, Piazza Santa Croce. Cellerini is the old standby for travelers and Ramano seems to have less expensive prices.
When traveling thru Turkey, we were told by numerous crafts persons that their leather work was shipped to Italy because it could be sold for a better price there than in Turkey. I am not sure how one would tell if the leather piece was created in China, Turkey, or Italy? Since I am going to Italy in September, I will look into that.
Attached to the Basilica of Santa Croce there is a leather school that dates back centuries. They had beautiful items, crafted on-site, with amazing quality leather. Folks were ACTIVELY buying, but be prepared for high prices. I'm not a leather fan and therefore no expert, but a fair amount of what I in other venues in Florence was nothing special (and in some cases, awful).