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Puglia Apulia safety and cleanliness

Is safety an issue for a road trip in Puglia? I have come across a few scattered comments in guide books and blog posts that give me pause. Also, is litter a big detractor? Thanks!!

Posted by
239 posts

We were there about three years ago. Safety was not an issue. As to litter, there was likely some, but nothing worse than you may see in parts of North America. So go if you wish, and do not worry excessively about safety or litter.

Posted by
3812 posts

I really have difficulties in answering such questions, but if I had to reply using the same broad-brush I'd say Puglia is safe as long as you never leave anything in the car.

Just like anywhere else, but in Puglia car thefts and break-inns are more common according to the Web.

Posted by
142 posts

We spent 6 weeks in Puglia with a rental car in 2019, thoughts of safety never even crossed my mind.

Posted by
11811 posts

I don’t remember either problem in Puglia. If there was litter I do not remember it, not like when you drive across the border into Mexico and it is blowing around..

Posted by
3812 posts

The Free beaches are often dirty in Puglia between the end of the winter storms and the beginning of the season at Easter.

Posted by
701 posts

We have driven 4 out of the 7 times we have been to Italy and never had a problem, last was 2018 in the Puglia region, Lecce, Matera. around the heel, Alberobello, and more. We also never leave anything in the car. I remember reading in RS Italy book back in 2006 that it is wise to leave an Italian newspaper in the back seat .as a deterrent to any would be thief.
Don't forget to get your International drivers license. Safe travels

Posted by
297 posts

We did a driving trip throughout a couple of years ago. Never felt unsafe or uncomfortable. True , we never left anything visible in the car and we did see some litter. Loved it all. People are friendly and great food. Enjoy !

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3812 posts

that it is wise to leave an Italian newspaper in the back seat .as a deterrent to any would be thief.

I don't get it. Why should a thief not break into a car with an Italian Newspaper in the back seat?

Posted by
176 posts

As a former Italian car burglar, I can assure you that there is a good chance that there’s an unsolved Sodoku in that newspaper and that once the owner realizes he left it behind, he will be returning shortly. Not worth the risk.

Posted by
5470 posts

Not a consideration--you should not leave anything in a car (even in the trunk) anywhere, but I have done so even in Puglia and lucked out, not that I can recommend doing that.
Some of the outskirts of the towns are not as pretty as you might expect, but there is plenty of beauty.

Posted by
9135 posts

Dario, thats one of those old theft deterrent tactics people used to spread for no reason. If you have an Italian newspaper, its supposed to signify you're a local, not a tourist, therefore not foolish enough to have anything of value in the car, like a tourist would.

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28769 posts

The idea behind leaving a local newspaper visible in the car is to indicate it's not a tourist's car with a trunk full of valuables.

Posted by
3812 posts

Now I know who is the mysterious ghost advisor who told mr. Trump how to face the Covid problem! If you leave a national newspaper while driving around Puglia, many local thieves would break into your car out of pique.

A thief has a few seconds to check out the year of registration on the license plate, look around and decide what to do. I guess a newspaper would make thieves think: "They must be rich, they waste money for the same news the TV broadcasts any day for free".

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10482 posts

Love the responses from Dario and RickRack. Hee hee

Posted by
28769 posts

The newspaper advice predates the Internet by decades. It has been floating around since at least the 1960s.