Heading to Venice on a honeymoon and looking to head to a few wineries to taste great Prosecco. Any recommendations on a day trip from Venice vs taking the train, getting a hotel, etc?
I have never been so not much help but thought I would reply with my opinion that to tour this region you would need a rental car. Seems only 90 minutes or so north of Venice so if you had a car you could definitely do it as a day trip just have to be careful the driver does not do more than just taste the Prosecco. The region is fairly small I believe.
If the cost was not a big concern, you could probably hire a local driver / tour operator to take you out for the day from Venice and back then you would not have to worry about drinking and driving.
The original,prosecco region is small, but not the easiest to navigate by public transportation. The area around Maser and Baone are good choices; towns in the Colli Euganei are known for prosecco, which ranges from very dry to very sweet.
My friends and I go there every summer, visit Cantina Lispida (also has pricey accommodations), or Agriturismo Le Volpi (much more affordable B&B, vineyard is in a beautiful setting).
Towns nearby are Este, Arqua Petrarca, Montagnana.