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Problems Basilica San Marco/Venetoinside 'skip the lines' website

I'm trying to make a reservation to visit Basilica San Marco in October using the Venetoinside website. The site asks you to click a date on a calendar but I can't seem to get the calendar to accept the date I want (or any other date in August, September, or October for that matter). I've tried changing browsers (from Safari to Chrome) but that did not help.

Has anyone else had problems with

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2714 posts

What about just buying right from the Basilica? I bought my tickets for our October visit right here:

Just the Basilica is 6 Euros. I bought the Museum and upper altar as well so my tickets were 20 Euros each.

You can definitely book October on that site - and you can choose your entry time.

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17 posts

Thanks very much; the official Basicila site worked perfectly. Not sure if the Venetoinside website will resolve its issues, since otherwise it seems like a good source.

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5 posts

Grazie mille for the responses with the basilica website. A week ago, neither website was working. Thanks to this post and responses, I jumped on the Basilica site and was able to get tickets for Sept! Really appreciate everyone who shares their knowledge and experiences on this forum!