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Private transportation

There are 7 of us traveling next year from Venice go Stresa. I looked at the train ticket prices ( as far as I can) and was wondering if a private car would be less expensive? I would pay a bit more for the convenience, but not extreme......any help would be appreciated thanks

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8889 posts

If you go to the Italian Railways site ( ), and look for prices 1-2 months in advance I can see prices around €27.50 to €33.50 per person, and it takes 3 hours 47 mins.

I don't think you can beat that on price or time going by road. 7 people would require a big vehicle.

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3931 posts

We just returned from Croatia and we were 6 adults. Do a search and email for quotes before the date you need to order the tickets for the train. We ended up hiring a private driver from Korcula to Dubrovnik for 3 reasons. 1) The price of the ferry was only 20€ less then the driver, 2) the driver dropped us off close to the Buža Gate not at the port which would require a cab ride to the old town, and 3) the ferry was late afternoon and we wanted to leave early morning. The travel time was the same length so that did not factor in. when we hire a driver we factor in all variables then make a decision.