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Private local guide for the day in Rome

I'm taking my sister and brother-in-law to Italy this coming June. Both of them are in their 70's and not in very good walking shape. We have two days in Rome, and would like to hire a tour guide who could transport us around the city to see some of the important sights. Does anyone have information regarding a local day tour guide in Rome?

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64 posts

Most tours in Rome are walking tours. If driven to a site many will require quite a bit of walking, the Colosium, Forum are prime examples. I have used Context Travel in Rome. They have "docents" rather than tour guides, and seem to be a step above many others. Not sure if they have any that will transport you around Rome. You can check there website. In Rick's Italy guide he recommends a number of local guides in Rome. He says they run about 180 Euros for a half day. I imagine this is stricly walking, but they may also provide a car for additional Euros. They all speak excellant English. The names and contact information are: Francesca Caruso, [email protected]; Carla Zaia, [email protected]; Cristina Giannicchi, [email protected],; Sara Magister, [email protected]. Maybe one of them can help or refer you to someone that can meet your needs. Good luck.

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4152 posts

You might want to contact Stefano at for a tour of the city. His company gets wonderful reviews as a transfer company but I know they give tours of the city as wll. donna