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Printing boarding passed from i phone

I've never printed from my phone before. Apple directions say to tap the app and then tap share. When I tap the app from Easyjet nothing happens. It does have the airprint for my printer installed. Help!

Posted by
2267 posts

I'm not sure what you/Apple means by tapping the app.

Generally, when something is printable or otherwise can be shared, you'll see the square with an arrow out the top. Tap that to get options to share or print (may have to scroll down for the print button)

Posted by
9 posts

it is 2022
there is no reason to print anything anymore

just show the pass on your phone

Posted by
16884 posts

Adam, sometimes people like to have a printed backup in case their phone is stolen, damaged, the battery dies at the wrong time or it just refuses to work when they need it to. There was a thread about that some months ago by someone who had a phone fail.

Posted by
128 posts

Interesting conversation.

I have had my iPhone fail, just after I had self-checked my bag, got my tag for the bag, went to drop the bag off, and the phone went 'whoof - I am dead.'

I had printed my boarding pass (I usually don't) when I printed my baggage tag, and that saved me.

Electronics are fabulous. Until they don't work.

However, I am sorry I don't know how to print from an iPhone. Google may have some directions you could use.

Posted by
2176 posts

I can print to my home printer but no idea what you are asking to do from where?

I lost a boarding pass in the waiting area once. No biggie. I just went to the desk and requested another one. I’d do the same if my phone failed.

Posted by
7545 posts

When is this flight and where are you trying to print?

Are you at home and don’t have a desktop computer?

You can always print at the airport at check in (although I do always carry a printed copy with me as well unless I’m somewhere that I simply can’t)

Posted by
303 posts

That is my fear, that something could go wrong with the phone. I will be taking Easyjet, an intereurope airline. The site will mostly not come up on my computer for some reason. Many times I tried. If it did I would print from my computer. I think it would be a good idea to know how to print from my phone, maybe even in Europe. But following the directions that u-tube and apple puts out, you tap on the page you want to print, than tap on share than probably print. But nothing happens when I tap on it. I don't particularly trust that cheap airline Easyjet will let me print the boarding pass there. They say to get your boarding pass before coming to the airport.

Posted by
7545 posts

Maybe try using a different browser on your desktop

Or delete the app and reinstall

And I believe you are right- easyjet will charge you to print

Posted by
7 posts

Here’s what you do (at least it works for me):
1. Go to the page you want to print (probably a email).
2. In the upper right corner there are 3 dots. Touch that.
3. That brings up a list - toward the bottom ii says PRINT ALL. Touch that.
4. You should then get a spinning window that shows it is searching for a printer.
5. Mine goes to AirPrint ( you may need to get an AirPrint app but I don’t think so…
6. Touch that and your printer (thru your Bluetooth) should come up.
7. Choose that and the pages you want to print and….voila!

…Once you’ve gone through the steps a couple of times, you'll have it down. Good luck.

Posted by
303 posts

I tried a different browser and it came up and I printed my boarding passes for Easyjet. Thank you. I still want to be able to print from my phone. There were no 3 dots at the top.

Posted by
32417 posts


I've got the same problem and can't print either from my iPhone, from my desktop or from a newer Macbook Air. The problem seems to be that I have an older HP Laserjet and for some reason neither Apple or HP provide drivers for the newer computers to operate with my printer. I contacted HP and they said that Apple is not providing "permissions" for the driver files for that printer (whatever that means?). I do have an older Macbook Pro and I can print from that, so I usually just transfer the files to the older computer and print from there.

I suppose one day I'll have to buy a newer printer, and many of the newer models do support Airprint, including from iPhones. The old printer still works great so I'm trying to delay that as long as possible.

I too like to have a printed copy of important documents like boarding passes.

Posted by
140 posts

Try making an appointment at the Apple store Genius Bar and having them walk you through it