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I will be going to Prato from Florence in late March to see the Museum of Resistance and Deportation. I will be taking public transportation. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has been to the Museum or to Prato.

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1820 posts

Haven't seen the Resistance museum, but the textile museum was very well done.
We also enjoyed the well preserved 14th century palazzo of Francesco Datini who was the subject of Iris Origo's fascinating book 'The Merchant of Prato'. It's a museum as well - the hours need checking before you go.
Prato is also the center of the Chinese community in Italy which means a good number of Chinese restaurants and the bustle of industrious immigrants.

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1271 posts

Hello literaryrn,

We made this trip recently to visit the (excellent) Textile Museum in Prato and ended up make this trip twice so I'm pretty familiar.

Take the slow local train from the main Florence train station (Firenze SMN) to Prato Centrale. This will take anywhere from 20-30 minutes depending on how many stops it makes and will cost you 2.70e. The local trains tend to be on the first couple of tracks all the way to the left as you approach the gates.

When you get to Prato exit down through the station and immediately outside all the bus stops will be right there. The museum is pretty well out of town so your best options are probably taxi or bus depending on your usual practice.

If you don't have bus tickets from Florence buy them at the news stand in the train station lobby - to the right of the tracks exit facing the entrance. Buy enough tickets to get there and back again. I found Google maps public transportation map to be pretty accurate in Northern Italy - even in Florence where the system is a little crazy.
According to Google you'll either need to either:
1) Take the Rossa Line bus to the very end and then walk about 3/4 of a mile to the museum. It's kind of rural and there are sidewalks so it looks easily doable if walking is your thing.
2) Take either the Rossa or Blu line to a bus stop in town where you can change to the 12 bus and that takes you to bus stop Cantagallo 19 which is about 100m from the museum.

This may sound complicated but it is pretty straightforward - here is a Google Street view of the bus stop and you can see the BLU and the 12 lines on the sign where people are waiting at a gap in old city wall.,11.0930831,3a,78.7y,327.89h,95.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYiEwzvwiOJbhWlrxE1BbLw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Then you can reverse this to get back to the station. Depending on time I would come back and give the old Prato city center at least a wander and explore a little and maybe have a drink or something to eat. We hit the center during siesta and it was seemed sleepy but it was still fun to explore.

Download and use the Trenitalia app on your phone to check schedules, track trains and buy tickets. Our plans for our first visit were disrupted so returned to the station, bought tickets on the platform and returned to Florence to do the Pitti Palace and gardens a day earlier than expected.

As I said Google maps was pretty reliable for I'm here and I want to get there - what are my bus options. I used it exactly this way in Prato and it worked well showing me stops and times.

If you have any questions about this please let me know,