We are planning to visit Italy (Modena & Venice) and then France (Paris with 2 days in Strasbourg) starting December 9th and will be there for 12 days. I haven't been worried about COVID because we are fully vaccinated. I read that Austria has now decided to do a complete shutdown to tourists due to COVID and that earlier this week Germany made a similar decision (but doesn't seem to be full shutdown there). I'm now worried that shut downs for Italy or France are imminent and that we might ought to delay our trip. Is my worry misplaced? I've always wanted to see Paris and Strasbourg at Christmas time so I hate to cancel but I also don't want to get there and everything shut down. Is there a particular news source I should be looking at to get a better sense of potential for shutdowns? Any insights would be MUCH appreciated. [NOTE: I am posting this in both the Italy and France forum boards]