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Poste Italiane

I’m on an around the world trip and sent two boxes to US via Poste Italiane. There were four post office employees who walked me through every step and they filled out the forms with me. It took over two hours. Oy. We shipped on October 14. I’ve been tracking on the website with the tracking numbers. The website says returned to sender on three different dates (usually about one week apart). I was required to use the Italian address of my AirBnB host. He hasn’t received any boxes. Today there is a new entry in the tracking system that says returned to sender and now also says “issue with customs.”
The only things in the boxes are souvenirs—small art work, stickers, postcards, clothes, that I’m shipping home, aprons from France—no food. No liquids.

Any help translating the tracking messages? Has anyone else encountered these notes and ever received their boxes? I’m stumped. I’ve shipped from over 14 countries so far and had no issues. Even Nepal arrived within FOUR days!! (So impressed) and Japan was within 48 hours.

Any guidance or personal experience feedback is appreciated.

Posted by
293 posts

Did you insure the boxes? I think that puts an extra layer of "security "on things.

I am thinking the "small art work" has somehow caught the eye of someone who wants to perhaps investigate it further...?

Strange and questionable that it says "returned to sender" and yet your B&B host hasn't received it. Sorry my post has not been helpful.

Posted by
299 posts

Paste the tracking messages here so we can help you!

Posted by
3812 posts

small art work

I think you may have nailed it. They read art, they search for an export permit and, if they don't find it, they must send the parcel to another office.

Posted by
372 posts

We bought a wine bottle opener, but it had a small knife on it (to cut the wrapping at the cork) and sent it Sept 28th. It took almost 4 weeks to get here, so don't despair. Good luck on this and your trip!

Posted by
11891 posts

Don't despair as Customs can take time.

FYI for "next time" and for anyone else seeking advice, use Mailboxes, Etc. In our significant experience shipping from Italy to the U.S., they know the game and will work to mitigate possible problems. They use Fedex and DHL, no Poste Italiane.

Posted by
4 posts

Thank you for the replies. Whoever asked to see a copy of messages I’m getting, here it is: (any help is appreciated)

Nov 06, 2017
04:01 pm
restituzione al mittentePoste Italiane
Lonate Pozzolo (VA)

Nov 06, 2017
04:00 pm
Disponibile per il ritiro presso l'Ufficio PostalePoste Italiane
Ufficio Postale Lonate Pozzolo

Nov 06, 2017
03:53 pm
Restituzione al mittente per documentazione doganale incompleta.Poste Italiane

Posted by
1 posts

I think that the only way to have any information about is to go at the Poste Italiane office. You need to ask this effort to your host.

Posted by
299 posts

Ufficio Postale Lonate Pozzolo
Nov 06, 2017
03:53 pm
Restituzione al mittente per documentazione doganale incompleta.Poste Italiane : It says customs information is missing so it is to be returned to the sender.

Lonate Pozzolo (VA)
Nov 06, 2017
04:00 pm
Disponibile per il ritiro presso l'Ufficio PostalePoste Italiane: Available for pick up at the post office

Disponibile per il ritiro presso l'Ufficio PostalePoste Italiane

Nov 06, 2017
04:01 pm
restituzione al mittentePoste Italiane: The package is being returned to the sender

I think you were right, something with the customs declaration was missing or wrong, so they are returning it to the sender. It doesn`t say it has already been returned, so maybe wait for a while and the airbnb host will receive it.

Posted by
34583 posts

Thanks for the actual wording. They are quite clear that the declaration form is incomplete.

Did you itemize the customs declaration sticker? Is it possible it was not attached well enough and may have fallen off?

I agree with the earlier answer that you may have to prevail on your airbnb host to wander down to the Poste Italiane branch which would receive the returned package (Lonate Pozzolo), undoubtedly with a letter from you (in Italian) designating her as your agent for this incident to replace the label with one that they accept - probably for some additional remuneration......

That's a lot of work.....

Posted by
4 posts

Thank you Nigel. Actually, I had a post office employee who spoke English walk me through every step (over two hours) and she actually helped me pack the boxes and filled out every form for me and I signed. There were three other workers who also collaborated and were a part of getting it all pulled together. That’s why this is so puzzling.

Very frustrating. Nepal and Greece were so easy. Nepal was private carrier but Greece was their national post service and arrived back to US within five days.

Hoping against hope these boxes make it to me. :) They used my email and my phone number as contact info but the Air BNB address. I would hope they’d email me with concerns or next steps but that may be hoping too much!

Again, thanks for your input.

Posted by
23727 posts

We actually had very good service from the Poste Italiane contrary to public opinion. We bought a rather large and expensive art piece from the artist and had it shipped. The studio filled out all the forms, and I noticed it was on the PI forms. I raised a question about another service but they seemed surprised that it was a concerned. Two weeks later is make it to Denver with only one small hole in the box. It was shipped used the P Italiane express service so it was registered and tracked.

Posted by
3812 posts

I think that your boxes stumbled upon a real idiot at the Customs, the post office employees probably couldn't imagine that writing "art" (or "drugs" for that matter) can be a problem.

Many times Poste Italiane is "innocent" of these delays, the choke point is the understaffed Customs office.

Where did it happen?