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Post tour travel--Lucca to Atlanta

Hi all-Searched but didn't see this anywhere.

We will be ending the RS Best of Tuscany tour next May in Lucca. Need to return to Atlanta. Looks like Florence is most economical airfare (via CDG in Paris). Our plan is below. Questions:
1- Does it sound reasonable?
2- Or do I need to build in an extra day?
3- Would like to book airfare soon, but train schedule won't publish till a few months out--will it change that much (looks like regular departures every half hour or so starting at 5am) Any insight?


Depart Lucca via train ~0831 to arrive Firenze Santa Maria Novella station 0952 (based on current schedules).
Firenza station to Airport (30 min) to arrive ~1030
Departing flight at 1215 (Air France to CDG Paris, then onto ATL)--latest available flight to make ATL same day

Posted by
7057 posts

I’d head to Florence the night before departure

You may also want to check flights out of Pisa

Posted by
10 posts

Thanks. Pisa has been running about 2x price than Florence flights, but also just noticed FLR flights have spiked a bit. Any insight on train schedule?

Posted by
7057 posts

Train schedule won’t change much, if at all
You can safely assume what you see now on same day of week will be same or close to it next May

Posted by
2758 posts

That would be cutting it too close for me. I sat on a train for 30-40 minutes when taking the train from Florence to Siena. You just never know with trains.

Posted by
1260 posts

Your plan sounds fine, but I would leave Lucca on an earlier train - say 7:27; arrive Firenze 8:52 to build in extra cushion in case of delay. Otherwise you could compare going to Milan or Rome; more flight options there including non-stops to ATL, but that would mean building an extra day into your sched or leaving the night before.

Posted by
1077 posts

An extra day might make more sense. The advantage of flying back from Milan or Rome is that you could hopefully find a nonstop at a reasonable price. Each city is approx 4 hours from Lucca by train. Or stay overnight in Florence.

Posted by
5153 posts

We feel much more comfortable spending the night before a flight being fairly close to the airport. That's not to say things will go wrong, but one never knows. Particularly with train travel. The stress factor of planning a tight time line is not to be taken lightly.

Posted by
10 posts

Thanks all for the feedback. Milan, Venice and Rome are the only non-stops to ATL I could find. None are "reasonable" price wise and all incur an extra night's stay not to mention the long train ride. Also thinking an earlier train might be more comfortable. We have travel insurance to cover the missed connections, but why borrow trouble, ya know?

Posted by
1077 posts

You might also look into the bus from Lucca directly to the Florence Airport. It may be more efficient timewise than the train.

Posted by
375 posts

I've flown out of both Pisa and Florence, and they are busy and unorganized airports. I suggest leaving yourself a lot of time to get through the various lines. Even with doing this, we still had problems as our flights were delayed by almost an hour and we then missed our connecting flights. This was in May, so not peak season.

Posted by
509 posts

It’s a ≈4min walk from SMN Station to the #2tram stop for the airport.

I’d add a night near SMN (recommend Soggiorno Rubino’s triple w view of Duomo) and do a relaxed evening in Florence