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Positano to Amalfi Bus Stop

Is the bus stop from Positano to Amalfi only departs from Chiesa Nuova stop at Viale Pasitea?

I got this timetable

the last bus to Amalfi on a Thursday in June is only up to 9pm? Travelmar ferry is only up to 6.30pm. I'd expect there would still be buses until midnight between the 2 town hub. The City Sightseeing bus also operates in similar time with the ferry.

Also my hotel told me there's a 'local' Positano bus that could take us up and down Positano hill? I am told this is the operator
Has anyone tried it? Does it have a punctual schedule?

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3112 posts

The SITA buses make 2 stops in Positano, one at the Chiesa Nuova stop at the top of town and another at the bottom of town, right at the end of Via Cristoforo Colombo where it meets the main road (the stop is actually on the main road). I've never used the local bus, so I can't help with that part of your question. Also, the SITA schedule you posted is the Spring schedule valid only through June 10. The Summer schedule may include some later buses to Amalfi.

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15806 posts

These are villages, not hub towns. In winter, the last bus is a couple hours earlier. The extra hours are for the tourists. Ferries probably don't run after sunset. It's possible that buses will not be able to keep to the schedule because of traffic congestion.

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2140 posts

Frank, I don't know if the Chiesa Nuovo stop is where we got off (coming from Sorrento), but apparently it was at least one stop too early, way high up. So we had a winding, picturesque walk, slightly downhill, of maybe 3/4 mile--very pleasant & memorable on a cool, foggy March day--to not-quite the lower level of Positano, at the Sponda bus stop. I would actually recommend that walk on purpose, although it was exactly the opposite for us. Yes, that is where the two roads meet, and the main road then goes towards Amalfi-town. Can't imagine a bus taking that lower road back towards the water as it was barely wide enough for a car.

Side note that steps from that Sponda bus stop is Li Galli Bar, basically a hole carved out of the mountain, where we sat outside at a table on the cliff & lunched on a smashing antipasto and the best calamari fritto on the Amalfi Coast.

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3112 posts

Jay, that walk from the Chiesa Nuova (first) stop down to the center of town is definitely picturesque and interesting. I've walked an unplanned route that took me along small streets (maybe I shoud say stairways) towards the coastline rather than just down the main road, and I would recommend the walk down to anyone physically able. The first time I visited Positano, I didn't know about the Sponda stop and so I walked those hundreds of stairs back up to catch the bus to Sorrento. Thank goodness I was much younger then.

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464 posts

Hi Frank,
yes i understand the location of the bus stops but why does the bus stop in the schedule only each of them being mentioned? it looks like Amalfi - Positano route only stops at Sponda & Positano - Amalfi only stops at Chiesa Nuova.
This would affect my walking and eating plan so as not to go backward forward. They're very far apart

I don't mind and actually prefer to walk up the stairways (though not sure how many of them in Positano). I like to climb churches domes and think of the number of the stairs as a challenge. I think the most church dome stairs i climbed was Saint Paul's one in London :D

Hi Jay,
yes the one uphill is chiesa nuova stop. talking about a carved out cave, i stumbled upon this view in gmaps. check 268 Viale Pasitea.,+268,+84017+Positano+SA,+Italy/@40.628769,14.479215,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x133b9766f01734fd:0xa39eff8146638608!8m2!3d40.6285125!4d14.480363
It looks pretty cool. next door is Hotel Posa Posa with its level 4 panoramic restaurant above. Plan to go to that one or the Cafe Positano one for the view.

Posted by
2140 posts

Jay, that walk from the Chiesa Nuova (first) stop down to the center
of town is definitely picturesque and interesting. I've walked an
unplanned route that took me along small streets (maybe I shoud say
stairways) towards the coastline rather than just down the main road,
and I would recommend the walk down to anyone physically able.

Even though I'm a planner to the nth degree, Italy has a way of bolloxing that in short order. Long story short, looking at the maps in advance I wasn't at all sure about the location of the two Positano stops. So we got off the SITA bus from Sorrento at what I found out later was Chiesa Nuova, thinking it was Sponda. No signs, no nothing. The bus left, I realized I had made a big mistake and said to my wife 'whatthehell do we do now?'

So we started to walk, very fortunately on a slight decline. If you'll check out the map, it's very winding with the mountain, the skinny road (barely enough for two small lanes), and then a tiny railed walkway before the drop. It being March, there wasn't much traffic--a good thing--but the fog was rolling in and out of the alcoves, a lot like San Francisco if it were on steroids.

I guess people make this walk all the time but that day we only encountered an old man riding his bike up in the opposite direction, one fit SOB! We kept shrugging our shoulders and walking, not getting tired because every so often we'd get a glimpse through the fog at those postcard-like hillside houses. We'd pause and marvel, then keep walking.

Finally we reached what we thought was Sponda, and it was. While my wife waited, I walked about a quarter-mile down towards the water to do some reconnaissance, but it was deserted, with nothing open. I came back and Li Galli Bar appeared, just opening up for the day, the season, who knows? Couple of Cokes, our lunch, rested the dog-tired feet, we were revitalized. And it's funny--an error in judgment turns into one of the memorable times of any Italian trip we've taken.

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3112 posts

Looking at the schedule, I see what you mean. I suspect only the first stop in Positano is listed to keep the size of the schedule manageable -i.e. Sponda coming from Amalfi and Chiesa Nuova coming from Sorrento. I'm virtually certain I've boarded the bus to Amalfi at the Sponda stop in Positano.

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464 posts

Hi Frank,
that's more like it. the bus should still stop in both stops. thanks!

by the way is there any signage for current and/or next stop in the SITA bus? we plan to take Positano - Amalfi bus which should be fine since Amalfi should be the last stop? But we're going to take Amalfi - Ravello too which last stop could be in Scala. Should we tell our stop to bus driver?

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3112 posts

Last time I took the SITA bus along the Amalfi coast, there was no signage on the bus regarding stops, like you see on some city buses. Unless someone who has used the bus more recently says there's now signage, I'd mentioned your desired stop to the driver either as you board or as you get close to Positano.

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1005 posts

Hi Jen! Re. the Amalfi to Ravello bus, you will know when it gets to Ravello as it comes to a dead end and everybody and their grandma will get off! (This is also the same spot where you will catch the bus back to Amalfi) The road will dead end and bus will drop you off near the entry tunnel to the town which will take you to the main square. The town is essentially traffic-free. Across the street from where you get off the bus in Ravello is Ristorante Salvatore and the terrace/snack bar for the Garden Hotel & Ristorante which is great for having a spritz. Of course the views are amazing!! The bus from Amalfi to Ravello is a smaller bus and will then turn around and continue to next destination. The T.I. in Ravello is on Via Roma, which is to the left of the Duomo when facing it. When you buy your Amalfi to Ravello bus tkt buy a return tkt at the same time. You will stamp tkt when you get on the bus or the driver will rip them. We have always bought our Amalfi to Ravello tkts at Bar Flavio Gioia (can get at any tobacco, news stand or bar) next to Holidays Baia Amalfi, which faces the waterfront and not far from where the sita buses from Sorrento or Positano will park. The bus stop to Ravello is near the statue and last fall when we were there there was a canopy over the sidewalk at the bus stop which I don't recall seeing before.

The links below may be helpful:
Have a great trip!!

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464 posts

Hi Janet, thanks for the insight. We might take the school bus schedule pretty early in the morning to have lesser crowd but actually i'm not sure if we could board that 'school' bus schedule.