Jay, that walk from the Chiesa Nuova (first) stop down to the center
of town is definitely picturesque and interesting. I've walked an
unplanned route that took me along small streets (maybe I shoud say
stairways) towards the coastline rather than just down the main road,
and I would recommend the walk down to anyone physically able.
Even though I'm a planner to the nth degree, Italy has a way of bolloxing that in short order. Long story short, looking at the maps in advance I wasn't at all sure about the location of the two Positano stops. So we got off the SITA bus from Sorrento at what I found out later was Chiesa Nuova, thinking it was Sponda. No signs, no nothing. The bus left, I realized I had made a big mistake and said to my wife 'whatthehell do we do now?'
So we started to walk, very fortunately on a slight decline. If you'll check out the map, it's very winding with the mountain, the skinny road (barely enough for two small lanes), and then a tiny railed walkway before the drop. It being March, there wasn't much traffic--a good thing--but the fog was rolling in and out of the alcoves, a lot like San Francisco if it were on steroids.
I guess people make this walk all the time but that day we only encountered an old man riding his bike up in the opposite direction, one fit SOB! We kept shrugging our shoulders and walking, not getting tired because every so often we'd get a glimpse through the fog at those postcard-like hillside houses. We'd pause and marvel, then keep walking.
Finally we reached what we thought was Sponda, and it was. While my wife waited, I walked about a quarter-mile down towards the water to do some reconnaissance, but it was deserted, with nothing open. I came back and Li Galli Bar appeared, just opening up for the day, the season, who knows? Couple of Cokes, our lunch, rested the dog-tired feet, we were revitalized. And it's funny--an error in judgment turns into one of the memorable times of any Italian trip we've taken.