Looking for recommendation of a hotel In positano.
About a year or less ago I asked for Positano hotel recommendation. Except I can’t remember the name ! Any tips ? I know It’s located across the street from that fancy schmantsy crazy overpriced hotel.
Here is link to your old posts
Yes, it’s called Hotel California. It was in the movie Under the Tuscan Sun. It was Marchello’s apartment (but it’s really a hotel). Lovely place.
I agree, we stayed the Hotel California a few years ago and it was lovely. They do have parking.
Thank you all
The Rick Steve’s community is truly special
Is there a curator who jumps in w practical facts now and then ? If so, they are also perfection. If not and it’s all community participants then you are super duper !
Question - hotel California is on the beach, not on the main road in the hillside, ???
JS, Hotel California is on a hillside and not on the beach, and wasn't mentioned in any of your previous posts. Guests report a 10-minute or so walk downhill to the beach, from which you'd walk uphill back to the hotel.
People love the view from this one and it gets excellent reviews!
Hotel Savoy. One of my favorite hotels ever!