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Pope schedule in Sept??

Anyone knows if the Pope will be back in town by Wed Sep 3?

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2207 posts

Usually the Pope does not return from his summer break until late September or early October. You might check the Vatican website for some indication of a special event, but in all likelihood he will be out of town...

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466 posts

I was in Rome last year from August 21 to Sept. 2 and we did have an audience with the Pope. He flew in on his helicopter and said his blessing. It's very possible that he will be there or at least fly in.

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2207 posts

Mark is correct, he does come back into town - on occasion. Again, check the Vatican website for more details.

Note that Pope Benedict is actually drawing larger crowds at his audiences than Pope John Paul II did. Although he does not like "crowds" and public speaking, he is effective and has the energy of an Everyready battery! I saw him in the Basilica last month on a Wednesday and he "bounced" off the stage! He's a spry 80 year old!

We also saw the Vatican helicopter fly in one day (don't think he was on it) but it was surrounded by gunships! It was quite an unusual scene - a symbol of peace and love with three armed-to-the-teeth gunships surrounding it!

Fernando, Benedict is a "diligent" leader and is riding a wave of public support (quite unexpected?) and may alter his agenda - you might get lucky! Check the Holy See site: for more info!

Good Luck! Ciao,