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Pompeii Scavi

We plan on spending the day in Pompeii at the scavi---can you go in and out at lunch time to get something to eat outside the ruins without having to pay for entry again (like getting your hand stamped?)

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2876 posts

Don't know about going in and out, but there is a public cafeteria & gift shop on the grounds.

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87 posts

Wonder if you can take food in----like having a picnic inside? Just would like a few more options for food. Is the food any good inside the scavi?

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1829 posts

No - you cannot leave and return on the same ticket.

Yes - you can take a picnic in to the site. We eat ours under the trees by the Amphitheatre.

Have not yet, apart from an icecream, eaten at the new on-site cafeteria, it is run by the Autogril company. Their food/snacks, although not exiting, are usually not bad.

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9110 posts

I must have broken the rules since I dashed out to get the rain jackets out of the car and got back in without a problem. This was at the entrance across from where all the tour buses park.

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2297 posts

We took our picknick lunch along as well. Makes for quite a memorable experience!

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83 posts

I ate at the cafeteria place inside and it was ok at best.

Nothing to write home about and we didn't plan to eat there but we spent more time roaming around than we thought we would and got hungry and very thirsty.