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Traveling in october with 7 yr old-visiting in naples, is pompeii a goid choice?

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23687 posts

For a 7 year old -- maybe not. There is a lot of sameness to Pompeii that might not hold the interest of a 7 year. One way to look at it is --- a big bunch of old, run down buildings -- no roofs, half walls. One building looks like another. For us that can be interesting as we imagine life at that time. For a 7 year old, it is just boring.

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16802 posts

Tobymom, that's a difficult question. There are 7 year-olds, and then there are 7 year-olds, if that makes sense? One child's level of curiosity and/or length of focus can be different from another's. He/she will also need to understand that this is not a place they are allowed to climb or sit on all the tantalizing (to a young child) piles of ancient construction.

Then there are some, ahem, interesting adornments that could raise some interesting questions. Let's just say that the Pompeiians weren't at all hung up on sexuality: virility and eroticism were celebrated, and nudity was no big deal. The more erotic of images aren't everywhere so it's not like they'd constantly be in your face but if squeamish about lots of anatomy, I'd rethink this activity. :O)

It IS a huge site, and will likely be crowded at certain places. I don't know if this will be helpful but here is a blog from a Mom who has some good, firsthand advice on taking the young folks to Pompeii.,make%20history%20relevant%20to%20them.

She also has a report of the trip with her kids:

Note that she recommends a tour with a guide well versed in creating interest in a site that could otherwise look like one falling-down building to another to a young mind, interior decoration (some is very fun; have yours look for little winged cupids!) aside. She makes some suggestions for resources in that department. Be aware that nothing is labeled with explanations so without a book, a human guide or audioguide, you won't know what you're looking at.