Before you start making plans to extend your trip beyond it's original list of places (which is a long list), do a reality check on yourself. Stop talking in vague generalities (which allow you to willfully delude yourself), get specific about dates, including flight arrival and departure times. Do this now, before you list grows. Why? Because, frankly, Most People Cheat. When you wave around squishy dreams like "17 or 18 days" it's easy, tempting, and common to tell yourself little white lies about how much time you really have.
Make your plans based on actual dates (either booked, or proposed), not hopes. What date (and what time) will you arrive. and what date will you leave? Until you get that specific, you can easily lie to yourself, and many, many first-time travelers here do exactly that. They start off saying they have a "two week trip" and it turns out they have just 9 or 10 full, usable days in Europe (because they're counting the time from when they lock the front door at home and head for the airport, until the time they get home, or worse, they are just thinking about how long they're taking off from work). You need to account for the time it takes to get there (and home), so start with proposed dates for arrival in Europe and departure for home (and don't count your arrival day, no mater what time the flight is scheduled).
Then, take a hard look at your "must do" itinerary for Italy and see if that really leaves you an extra 3-4 days, or if (as is so often the case here with first-time travelers) they actually have too much moving around planned and not enough time actually being there.
IF you really do have days to burn....personally, I'd probably spend them in Italy (either allocating more time to your original itinerary) or just add a bit more. All the other options you're considering are lovely, but they all deserve more than "3-4 more days" (which i suspect may turn out to be less than 4 days, too ;) ).
We probably won't make it back to this region for a very long time,
Only if that's your choice...I'd urge you to set that kind of thinking aside. Maybe you'll like Europe enough to find a way to get back sooner than you think (something that many people seem to change their mind about).
Good luck, hope that helps.