We are traveling on Easter on the train from Venice to Naples - taking the cheapest seating. Will we still be able to have our luggage visible on the economy seats?
We are having trouble finding times to take the Circumvesuviana from Naples to Sorrento....do we need to buy the tickets ahead given that it is Easter or is there a better way to get to Sorrento. We do not arrive in Naples until 2 PM on April 16.
Then on April 18 we need to get to Rome by NLT 3PM from Sorrento (3-4 hrs). The Marozzi bus only has 1 time - 6 AM departure which would make us miss breakfast and sleep!! Other option from Sorrento is Bla Bla Car which is a ride sharing car (sound like Uber but who knows who you would be driving with!!). I was trying to get something from Sorrento so we did not have to get back to Naples again.
Thanks for the help!!