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Please critique my intenerary (too many cities?)

First time in Europe. Because of my award millage I have to arrive into LHR (london) and fly back from Milan.
If this seems too ambicious which city should I get rid of?:

Wed, Aug 27 arrive London 10:00 am
Th Aug 28 London
Fr Aug 29 London to Paris via EuroTrain
Sat Aug 30 Paris
Sun Aug 31 Paris
Mon Sep 1 Paris to Rome (fly)
Tue Sep 2 Vatican City
Wed Sep 3 Rome
Thr Sep 4 Rome to Venice (fly or train)
Fr Sep 5 Venice
Sat Sep 6 Venice
Sun Sep 7 Lake Como (Bellagio)
Mon Sep 8 Milan
Tu Sep 9 fly back to US

Posted by
10344 posts

It looks OK except for September 7 and 8, those need to be rethought and you also need to consider what time your flight departs Milan and which of Milan's two airports you are departing from. There is significant travel time involved in getting from Venice to Bellagio, and then to downtown Milan, and then the 40 miles out to the Malpensa airport if that is the one you're departing from. It may be that the Bellagio leg has to be eliminated.

Posted by
3112 posts

A lot of sights in Milan are closed on Monday. Take an early train from Venice to Milan on Sun Sept 7 and use that as your Milan sightseeing day. Lake Como (Varrena/Bellagio area) is about an hour by train from Milan, so you can do it as a day trip on Monday. It also means you can spend 2 nights in the same hotel - always a plus at the end of a trip.

Posted by
632 posts

I would skip Bellagio this trip (and I'm saying that after visiting this last September)...and spend the extra time in Milan...there is lots to do there and you can unwind a little and savor the city while you are there.

Posted by
102 posts

Thanks for your suggestions. I was not aware that a lot of places are closed on Mondays in Milan. I need to switch my days.
I found this website to make a reservation to see the Last Supper:

Anyone knows if this is this a reliable site to do my booking?


Posted by
486 posts

Personally, I think going to the UK, France and Italy on one trip (especially that short a trip) is foolish. In that time, you are lucky if you can really even see one country. Unless you are in poor health and expect to die before ever being able to return, enjoy one country. Then save up and enjoy another in a few years. Seeing a country is only part of it. enjoying it is what you really want to do.

Posted by
189 posts

Fernando - Please don't let people discourage you from seeing all you want to see on your trip, no matter how short a trip it is. Who knows what tomorrow brings. Strike while the iron (or travel bug and situation) is hot. Have you compared the price and time of flying from Rome to Venice? I think you might like the train schedule better. If you leave late enough from rome, you won't be wasting much time on your trip to Venice. Have a blast!

Posted by
102 posts

Thank you Doreen! By reading this helpline it is helping me make my decisions easier. I've decided to take the train to Rome instead of flying since being at the airport 2 hours in advance is a waste of time.

Thanks a lot for your support.