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Pisa - worth it or skip it?

I will be in Florence for two and a half days before moving on to Venice. I would really like to see the leaning tower, but I'm afraid I may be cutting into my time to explore Florence just to see one thing in Pisa. This will be my first trip to Italy...what are others' thoughts?

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445 posts

skip it and use your limited time soaking up the glories of Florence!

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111 posts

I'm in the same situation. I made reservation at Uffizi and Accademia on the same day and leave Pisa open. From all I read, Pisa can be done easily as half-day with an early departure, particularly since I only want to see the tower. Depend on how I like Florence, how affected by jet-lag, well, we'll see.

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3313 posts

Pisa is in the other direction from Florence than Venice. Too much travel time just to see the Leaning Tower.

I would do it if you were going to the CT or Lucca - but not if your next stop is Venice.

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1297 posts

I would research how to do it, and then wait and see how I feel about it while I'm there. (Since you will be doing it as a 1/2 day trip from FLorence) If you are just loving Florence, skip it. If you feel you have more time than you need, you will know how to hop a train and head to Pisa. I've been to Pisa takes a couple of hours (at most) to see the Field Of Miracles. I probably would not have stopped the second time, but I was traveling with people who had never seen it....and everyone should see it once in their life. (but maybe not this trip)

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7209 posts

Pisa was an interesting sidetrip from Florence. We really enjoyed the tower, the Baptistry, the Field of was all very nice to see. If you do decide to go the make a timed reservation to go up the tower, otherwise you will wait a very long time.

I wouldn't recommend you alter your schedule severely or miss out on the big sights of Florence just to go to Pisa, but if you have extra time then definitely do Pisa.

Posted by
18 posts


I just got back from Italy. I had 3 nights in Florence (travel from Rome on the first day, then leaving to Venice on the two full days just like you!

We took the first full day and went to Pisa. I thought it was absolutely worth it. I think we were able to see everything in Florence worthwhile (squeezing in one museum on the first day after we arrived from Rome)

I do recommend it.

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23 posts

I really liked Pisa, was pleasantly surprised the first time I was there, how beautiful it was and there is more than just the tower (I always pictured it by itself, without the nearby church etc). And, it is fun to climb the tower and really feel the 'leaning', That said, as you are going to Venice it could take up a lot time in travel back and forth.

Posted by
31 posts

I was in Florence for 2.5 days a couple summers ago. I took a half day and went to Pisa. I think I left on a 8:00 train out of Florence. I think it was worth it. If you are planning to go, go, go while in Italy, I think you should take the time for Pisa. If you are planning to relax and mostly soak up local color, I would spend that time in the magical city of Florence.

Posted by
6898 posts

It's an interesting choice. You've known about the Leaining Tower of Pisa since grade school and now you are close enough to go and see it. Many travelers can't resist. IMO, Connie's suggestion can work. Plan out the time and train runs. If you have the time, go for it. It's a 3.0hr round trip by train. Plus, once you get there, its a 30-minute walk in and a 30-minute walk out. But, you can shorten the walks by taking the bus across the street from the train station. If you don't climb the tower, your total round trip could be around 5.0hrs. Leave early on the 6:10am train and you're back before noon.