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Pisa to Sienna?

What is the best way to get from Pisa into Sienna? Doesn't look like there's a train from point to point. Is the only (and most direct) route to train into Florence then bus into Sienna? Thanx!

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831 posts

Take the train from Pisa to Siena with a change in Empoli. This will be the fastest about 1:45. Going into Florence will require a change to the bus that is in the next building and will take about a half hour or more longer. The bus, however will take you into town while the train station is about two kilometers from the Siena walls.

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547 posts

Although the Siena train station is not near the old city center, it is easy to get from the station to the central bus terminal. Purchase your bus ticket at the news stand at the train station and walk across the parking lot/road to the bus shelter on the other side going up the hill. The bus takes about 10-15 minutes from there. Rick's book has all the information on this you'll need.