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Pisa Rental Car Pickup

Any recommendations on which location in Pisa would be best for picking up our rental car before venturing out to the Hill Town (airport or Pisa Downtown Office Lungarno Sonnino, 1. We are flying in to Pisa, plan to stay the night at a hotel near the train station. In the moring we want to hoof it to the Leaning Tower before picking up our car. Thank you. Stan & Janet

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152 posts

Hi Stan. I suppose it really depends on where your hotel is exactly. The downtown office is not close to the train station. We found the car rental at the airport to be very easy. One major advantage is that you avoid the in town traffic and can easily be on your way towards the hill towns. Its a simple train trip back to the airport or a €10 taxi.

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805 posts

The airport location is very easy. Pick it up, get on the highway and head out of town.

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2207 posts

Stan & Janet... I agree with Tim and David. Use the Airport location. Pisa is easy to get around by bus (or taxi) and there are many ZTL areas that you could drive into (unknowingly) and incur huge fines. I know - that's the only place in Italy I've ever received a ticket many, many years ago... and it was for E110! So play it safe and don't drive (or pick up) downtown!


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27 posts

Does anyone know if the Pisa Airport has a luggage storage? We are thinking that if we fly into Pisa, take the train in to Pisa for the night then return to Pisa airport to pick up our car it would be convenient to leave our luggage at the airport instead of taking it to Pisa for one night. Thank you.