We would like to take the train all the way but is the bus a better way although slower? Where do we go for the train from Florence to get to Pisa? I have read somewhere to stop in Pisa at San Rossore station instead of Pisa Centrale, why is that? And then going to Lucca, to take the train there from San Rossore in Pisa and from Lucca back to Florence. Any other clarifications is appreciated.
Although most travelers travel to the Pisa Centrale train station to see the tower, the Pisa Rossore station is actually closer to the tower. In Florence, you would travel from the Florence Santa Maria Novella train station (Firenze SMN). This is the main train station in Florence. The runs vary. Some require a train change at Pisa Centrale, some actually require a train change at Lucca and a few runs will go to the Pisa Rossore station with no changes. Your choice when you buy your tickets. Here's a LINK to what the morning train schedule looks like. You will receive one ticket for each train you are on. I would suggest 3 different ticket buys. 1. Firenze SMN to Pisa Rossore (about 10Euro) 2. Pisa Rossore to Lucca (3 Euro)
3. Lucca to Firenze SMN (6.40 Euro) With the exception of the train run between Firenze SMN and Pisa Centrale, all other trains listed above will be Regonale trains. Even on the trains from Firenze SMN to Pisa Centrale, most will be on Reginale trains. No seat reservations permitted on Regionale trains. You can't even buy these tickets online unless its within 7 days of the travel date. The Regionale train is like a city bus on tracks. You buy your tickets, validate them at the little yellow box in the train station, get on and find your own seat. If no seats, you can stand. You will be able to get on the train.
Thank you, this is very helpful!