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Pisa and Lucca?

We are planning to take the train to Pisa one morning during our stay in Florence and then continue to Lucca, ending back in Florence. We have 2 teenaged boys. Should we book a time to go up in the tower in Pisa? (Is it a fun thing to do or not?) And what would be fun and interesting to do in Lucca? (Can't ride bikes this day as the previous day we are on an all day bike tour of Tuscany) OR Does anyone have advice on a different itineray for our one free day? (Again with teenaged boys!!)

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1893 posts

If you are going all the way to Pisa, you have to climb the tower and get the view that generations before you did. Remember, it was closed for years for repair, and just reopened a few years ago. Wouldn't you want your teenage boys to be able to tell their kids they climbed those ancient steps?

In Lucca, you can simply walk the walls, don't need to bike. there are churches to see, a tower to climb (with a tree growing out of the top!) The main piazza, the canal street. Plenty to see in a day trip.

If you are combining both towns into one day, you will be busy, especially if you plan some time in Pisa to climb the tower, see the church and perhaps the Baptistry.

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3313 posts

I agree - to go to Pisa and not climb the tower would be a loss for the boys. Lucca is very interesting but I'd still recommend renting bikes for an hour (there are several places near the train station) to ride the walls. There's not a lot else that I can think of that would capture the attention of teenagers.

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6898 posts

A fun activity for teenagers is to let them figure out how the train schedules work. All of the information is on TV monitors and big yellow schedule sheets behind glass in the stations. Soon, they will be teaching you how everything works and it's a combined family thing.