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Picnicing in Venice

Thanks for all your help on the registering in Italy question. Now I have one more. In Rick Steve's guidebook for Venice he says that it is illegal to picnic in Venice, except at the Giardinetti Reali, near St. Mark's Square. Is this really true? Is this something I need to be concerned about, or another law that is never really enforced? Thanks.

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Well I don't know how well the law is enforced but finding somewhere out of the way might be a bit of a challenge. Squares in front of churches might be a good option but frequently there are bistros lining the other three sides which will probably not appreciate your little picnic scene. That said, eating a sandwich and drinking a soda will undoubtedly go without adverse reactions (just don't litter for crying out loud). Normally we always picnic at least one meal when traveling. Sometimes a "bed spread picnic" for dinner works out for the best. Some bread, some cheese, some vino and a hot shower beforehand so that you don't have to get dressed again (well, jammies or a T-shirt/BVDs) can be great.