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Picking up reserved tickets at Uffizi and Accademia

Yes, I am sure there are a hundred posts on this topic, and I have done my research on this, but just wanted to check with some of the more knowledgeable members of this forum.

I will be going to Florence for the first time next month and have pre-booked timed entries for both the Uffizi and the Accademia. I've been to museums all over Europe and find it odd that in this instance, they don't provide you with an actual ticket with QR code, but never mind. All I received was a confirmation with a purchase # and the date of my reservation. So I will need to pick up the tickets on the day.

My understanding is that for the Uffizi, pre-booked tickets are picked up at door #3 (on the west side of the Piazza del Uffizi). I also understand that for the Accademia, I should be looking for a "prenotari" sign somewhere near the Piazza di San Marco. for picking up my tickets.

I just want to confirm with anyone who has been there recently that this is still the case! Don't want to be tearing around on the day trying to find out where I pick up my tickets!

EDIT: sure enough I see there is a post on this very subject below, but I didn't see it!

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1271 posts

Glad you found it, GregW, I was there in September of last year and there was a fair amount of construction going on in the center of the Uffizi exterior, but they had extra people out directing traffic and answering questions as well. Aside from Door #3 being somewhat hidden behind a crane the signage is good and even which line to stand in at the ticket booth is labelled. When in doubt ask the people who answer all these questions all day, everyday for everyone else if you have to.

Here is Google streetview shop of the signage for Door 3 and some of the construction underway. (I don't know what state it will be in when you go.),11.2556197,3a,75y,334.71h,85.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sW0WTeKn95VF-HqWA8WgneQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Accademia had dividers and lines set up for each category and for each time slot. eg Reservations 9:00, Reservations 9:15, Ticket Buyers etc. Again it is a little chaotic but there are people making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be and checking that people are waiting the in right places and it went smoothly.

Here is an image from Google streetview that should prepare you for the chaos -,11.258591,3a,75y,77.93h,76.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svab6rMOUaoPpxG7RlJ8XTw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

You can see the people in the 11:30 reservation line at the reserved entrance. Swing around and you can see the poor people at the other door waiting to buy tickets. Look closely and you can see the empty 11:15 line as well. This should give you a good idea of what it's like.

It's worth the chaos - like most things in Italy just roll with it. Have a great trip.

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172 posts

Thanks so much for the detailed response! (And the Google streetview shots will no doubt be an additional help). I'm normally pretty good at finding my way around, but just the fact I don't have an actual ticket in my hands yet made this seem a bit more daunting! I have early entry on both days so I'm hoping the lineups won't be TOO crazy yet.

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1271 posts

I just checked to confirm and it is the same for me with the "tickets" I had when we went in September.
Uffizi - and email from WWW.B-TICKET.COM.UFFIZI with an order number and payment details
Academia - essentially an email that showed the order, an order number, and the time scheduled

So don't worry it sounds like you're fully prepared despite not having actual tickets in hand.

For scheduling reasons we did the Uffizi later in the day but even then the reserved line was short and the transaction quick and straightforward when we switched the number for actual tickets. You'll need to take those tickets across the way to entry line to enter the museum itself.
The Academia was early in the morning and it was busy but not too busy. As I recall they just double check the order number and let you in so as long as you are in the right line for your time it's quick.
The ubiquitous airport style security lines are the ones that you can't skip and are where things back up if they do.

Enjoy - these sights are worth the hassle, I promise,

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8081 posts

Hi Greg, we went to the Uffizi last September with the early ticket and went to the location that has been shared. Just to let you know that I was amazed how wonderful the experience was this time! Previously, I was with a RS tour, and the place was definitely crowded. This time, my daughter and I had some of the outstanding art pieces completely to ourselves! I took a couple of photos at the back of a room behind my daughter showing how empty it was and her gazing at the art. It was such a special experience to enjoy them without anyone trying to take selfies. As you enter the building, you are walking around the ground floor and eventually up into the gallery. Some of the people were stopping at the coat/backpack check area which we were able to bypass. So, don’t bring anything large, be there early & enjoy!