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Pianettole Castle close to Sansepolcro / Anghiari

Anyone with any first hand knowledge of this castle or these 2 towns or any other close towns.

Spending 4 days next month there. 1 day to Florence.
Any suggestions or comments for sites, food or activities would be welcome.

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Five years ago we ate at a restaurant in Anghiari that was hands-down the best meal we had on our one-month trip to Italy - Ristorante da Alighiero. It was owned by an Italian man and his German wife. They ran the place with only one additional person (in the kitchen washing dishes). They did only one seating each evening and only about eight tables total.

Reservations highly recommended. They were turning away people when we were there.

And Anghiari is a beautiful hilltop town, overlooking the plain toward Sansepolcro. (We ate at a restaurant in Sansepolcro that wasn't so great.)