I am a professional photographer (locally in my community, not nationwide) and I will be traveling to Siena in May. Is there any contact information for seeking approval for either a private session or perhaps the schedule for a time when there are less visitor at the Cathedral so that I may photograph it using my photography gear. Also, if there are any tips for making such a request that would not offend the diocese or the tourist board that determines if this is allowed, I would truly appreciate that information as well. This means so much to me. This may be my last visit to this location and it would mean everything to be able to capture the beautiful architecture and the true ambiance of the cathedral. Thank you kindly for any information you have that may assist me.
It is too bad you can’t visit in September. We were there in September and all the coverings were removed from the floors. We were told that we were fortunate to be there at that time because they only do it for about 4 weeks. I think the cathedral in Siena is one of the most beautiful cathedrals anywhere.
Thank you for the travel tip. If anyone else has any other info as to how to request and secure access specifically for artistic photography, please do let me know. Forever grateful, JMY
The typical rules for visiting Cathedrals in many countries in Europe are that no tripods or flash are allowed. In some cases, a permit can be purchased onsite for a few Euro to allow interior photography. However, I wasn't able to find much information on the rules for the Siena Duomo. There seem to be lots of photos of it online, so photography must be allowed. I'm also a photographer and if I were in the same circumstances, I'd probably arrive at least the day before shooting and ask the staff about the rules.
For exterior shots, I always try to arrive very early in the morning before the majority of tourists are up & about. The light is better at that time too. As I recall, I got a few photos inside the Duomo, but I'd have to check my photo library.
Thanks Ken! I appreciate those suggestions and will certainly give them a try. If you recall anything else, please let me know. I hope you got the shots you wanted. Best regards.
The Siena Duomo official website has a Contacts page with email adresses to contact the cathedral staff. You might email and inquire whether a photography permit is available that would allow greater flexibilty to photograph inside.
Thank you very much. I did inquire through their website a month or more ago and no one ever responded. I will try again.
This is just an idea, but try contacting the email for the press office instead of the general email.
It's on the above link, maybe someone is more likely to respond, especially they are more likely to speak English..... Post back if you get results. If you don't I'm very much hoping to visit myself in January (we live in Italy) so I could find someone to ask perhaps...
That is an avenue I have not gone down. Thank you SO much. I will let you know if that works. Grazie!