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people behaving badly

i don't think in all the threads i have made i have ever talked about anything negative. unfortunately, there is always a first. i thought about if i should even mention it here but because it's covid-related and there is a lot of conversation about it on this forum i decided to let you know what i witnessed. essentially, on a train, between foglino and perugia a 'family' of 4, an older man and 3 twenty-somethings got on without wearing masks. they continued to do so for the entire journey until they spotted a conductor and put theirs on. soon after, a woman told (in italian) one of the young women to put her mask on. i suppose she had removed her's after the conductor passed. an argument began but thankfully ended soon.

here's the thing that bothered me. the 'family' spoke english with perfect american accents (i am certain they were americans of the usa variety but could have been canadians). however, the young woman argued in perfect italian (to my ears at least). In addition to calling the italian woman 'porca troia' the 'family' proceeded to discuss the issue among themselves until i got off. they discussed how the 'complainer' was a 'karen' and that 'if she is so afraid she shouldn't get out of the house'. the 'father' at one point said he would have punched the woman. they mentioned how the government has made people afraid and the intellectual 'son' brought up 'pascal's wager'. i, probably the only american within earshot , got a full dose of the group's anti _ _ _ talking points. i listened in wonder as they were utterly convinced that they were right and the italian woman, 'should mind her own business'

i'll end by saying that, to me, these people were the epitome of the 'ugly american'. i felt ashamed that i could understand every word they said. as has been mentioned here, these days, the only place in italy where there is enforcement of masks is on public transportation. What are you sacrificing by following a simple rule of your host country and people?

apologies for the long 'negative' post. this may or may not ignite a firestorm but I had to get my thoughts out. perhaps the 'protagonists' are on this forum and they will recognize who i am talking about! happy and safe travels everyone!

Posted by
8112 posts

Interesting. I am in Perugia now - my last city on a wonderful 23-day trip. I will concur to please be mindful of how we are representing our own country. We’re either leaving a positive impression or a negative one. This morning while waiting at the train station at Spello for the train to arrive, there were a couple of women speaking English complaining about generally anything. Then when the announcement came on to remind people we must wear masks, well you know the rest. Sadly, one of them had been coughing a lot, so it reinforced even more the need for masks. The positive is riding all of these Regionale trains with no assigned seats, each person can at least choose who to sit or not sit near.

As Summer is here, it is a good reminder for us to leave a kind & respectful impression to our visiting country. The Italians have been very gracious to me and deserve the same respect.

Posted by
1898 posts

Same think happened to us in Portugal on the train just a few weeks ago. It's required in Portugal to wear your mask (granted you can take it down for a drink of water, etc) There was a young couple (I'm pretty sure they were Portuguese) didn't wear a mask the entire time... When the conductor came to check tickets, they were told to put their masks on, they complied. As soon as the conductor left, the masks came off. The conductor came back through an hour later, and told them to put them on again, they complied, as soon as the conductor left, the masks came off. So - it's not just Americans that are rude and don't seem to care about others.

Until everyone understands that wearing a mask in a crowded situation is good for ALL and stop being so selfish, this virus is going to mutate and continue to disrupt lives of everyone on this planet.

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10502 posts

Alomaker, i don't blame you for being so frustrated and annoyed. I would have been the same !!

Posted by
88 posts

This really makes me sad to read. After months of being restricted in our normal daily lives it is exciting to finally be able to have the wonderful opportunity to travel again. I would hope that people would be grateful for this opportunity to visit our vast world. But when we do, we are guests, the host country guests. We follow their rules, cultures and customs. I read through the forum and am amazed by questions such as "I know Churches require a dress code, but do we really have to follow it?" YES, we are their guests. I also would have been frustrated to witness your situation. My hope is that we can 'treat others as we wish to be treated", showing respect for their rules, cultures and customs. Alomaker, this thread may be just the reminder that some people need.

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3961 posts

@aussie- Good one! ;) Gotta love that movie and the motley crew!

Posted by
376 posts

i should add that i have been germany, malta and italy since june 17th. this is the only anti-mask related incident i have witnessed so far. also, the italian woman did get a mild dig in by calling the american woman 'non educata'. i just hope this 'family' gets its comeuppance at some point. thanks for your thoughts, everyone.