I have a slight dilemma. I have a last minute travel arrangement to Italy on August 13th-26th 2021. My passport is valid until October 3rd 2021. I'm only going to be in the country for 12 days. I have been reading different information online about passport validity. There is a serious backlog for passport renewals right now. So I was wondering if I would be ok to enter if I can obviously prove length of stay and return ticket. If this will be an issue can I get a temporary passport in about 10-12 days? Any advice would be great. I have read other threads saying people sneak through but since COVID everything has changed. Is the country stricter on passport validity for travel? Or are they more lax because many countries are going through the same problems? The reason why I didn't renew my passport sooner is I originally had no intention on traveling because I was unsure of the rest of the world opening it's doors to international travelers back in the spring. What can/ should I do?