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Passport renewal requirement

Some articles state it is advisable to renew a passport within 6 months of expiration if traveling to a foreign country because the country can refuse the traveler entry. I will be going to Italy from 11/16 to 11/28 of this year. Do I need to renew before traveling?

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3313 posts

When does your passport expire? It would be a good idea and you have the time to do it now.

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10344 posts

This is what the US State Dept. says for visits to any of the 25 "Schengen" countries, which includes Italy, at * * * "You must have a passport valid 3 months beyond the proposed stay." Based on 3 months past your last day, you seem to be okay but you're cutting it close. HOWEVER, read on, in the next sentence on the State Dept webpage, do you see where it says: "For example, for a two-week business trip, the passport must be valid for FOUR months." That sentence makes it sound like you're not going to be in compliance. This would make me nervous. If it makes you nervous, you have time to get the peace of mind that will come with renewal now.

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23562 posts

The same question is posted under General Europe with running answers. Might review the other answers before adding more here.

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39 posts

My husband and I are going to Italy next week and have read conflicting rules on how long the passport must be valid for so my husband contacted our local passport agency on Friday since his passport expires 5 months from our date of travel. Per the person he spoke to: he should be fine as Italy usually only requires the passport to be valid for 3 months after travel, but it really depends on the immigration officer; he has encountered travelers who have been sent back to the States if their passport expires between the 3 month and 6 month term.... We are going to have his expedited this week, just to be safe. On the passport website: What is the 6 Month Validly Rule? As a rule of thumb, US passports must be valid for a minimum of six months past the date of entry into a foreign country. This rule exists to protect the traveler should they encounter medical, legal or other issues resulting in an unforeseen extended stay in the country. Some countries are more relaxed on this regulation. Most countries in Western Europe indicate three months of validity are required and countries such as China routinely allow people to enter with one month of validly remaining. But any of these counties can and do enforce a six month policy at the discretion of the immigration officer.

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1170 posts

Yes, if I were you, I would renew my passport now. To move things along, I would also pay a little extra for expedited service just in case there is a glitch and the renewal is rejected and you have to resubmit it. Better safe than sorry.