When you are out and about in Italy, are you required to have your passport "on your person" at all times? I read (Ron in Rome) where he carries a photocopy and leaves his passport in the hotel safe. Can you do this and present a photocopy if you are using a Roma Pass? On their website it says you must present your identification papers when using the Roma Pass. Thank you in advance.
Its your choice. Some people leave their passport at the hotel and some carry it with them. I am one who always has my passport instead of a photocopy. It stays in the inside zippered pocket of my Royal Robbins Global Traveler pants. Always, with my wallet.
I keep my passport in my money belt. Technically on me, but it wouldn't be easy to access in public. I've never been asked to show ID when using the RomaPass. When I've used internet cafes in Italy, I've given my driver's license and that has sufficed. I'd rather lose my license in Italy than my passport. I would guess a photocopy would be OK too if you were asked. I would personally never carry my passport in my day bag or purse, though.
technically speaking yes. That said, I've never been asked for it anywhere including using the Roma Pass.
Your passport is the only thing that proves you are legally in the country. A photo proves nothing since I can make a forged photo copy in about 30 seconds. Twice in about a year of travel we have had to produce our passport. Once was a security sweep where everyone was being stopped. Don't know how they would have reacted to a copy.
Guida, Technically, I believe travellers are required to present their Passport if requested by law enforcement authorities. It's one of the few acceptable forms of I.D. when in a foreign country. However, I've never been asked for my Passport (except when checking into Hotels), but I always prefer to carry it with me.
Thanks to everyone for their input. I think I will just carry it with me; better to be safe than sorry!