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Passport on the Beach/Snorkeling

Hello All. My husband and I are working out final details for our first trip to Italy in July.

I had been reading that it required to now carry your passport on your person at all times while in Italy. We then went to a Rick Steves' class a couple of weekends ago and it was confirmed by the speaker that we need to have our passports with us at all times during our trip.

What are we to do with them while we enjoy beach time/snorkeling? I know there are waterproof pouches (we've used them snorkeling elsewhere) but there is no guarantee that they won't leak and ruin our legal documents. And, out of the last two pricey waterproof pouches we used the last time, one did leak. Thankfully I had my husband remove the electronic car fob before we left the hotel or it would have been ruined.

What do others do with their passports while in the water?

Thank you for any information you can share.

Posted by
32419 posts


If the beach is reasonably close to your hotel, I'd probably just leave my Passport in the hotel room as the possibility of being asked for it when you're in the water is very remote. If you'd feel more comfortable having it with you, you could place the Passport in a zip-lok bag and then inside the waterproof pouch as that should keep it dry.

Posted by
2393 posts

Have you tried an otterbox? Mine fits 2 passports and a cell phone as well as cc & cash. It fits in one of the big pockets of DH's swim trunks that velcro closed - I also attach the strap of the box to his trunks.

Posted by
5564 posts

Trust me, you will not see everyone in the water wearing waterproof neck pouches. That would be truly odd. Just leave everything in the hotel.

Posted by
17 posts

So, we should be okay not carrying the passports to the beach area? I was thinking that maybe I could make photocopies of the pertinent pages and wrap them up in plastic wrap and then a baggie. A copy might get a bit soggy but I wouldn't be stressed with that like I would be at the thought of having passports badly damaged while far away from home.

We are going to leave the car in the hotel garage during our time in Taormina and if we don't have to worry about keys and a passport then I have no qualms about putting some cash and a regular ID in a leaky pouch to take into the water.

Thanks for the tip on the otter box. That will be a consideration the next time we go to Hawaii where there is a bit more "bulk" to deal with at the beach that just cannot be left unattended.

Thank you!

Posted by
5564 posts

Trust me, there are no police waiting at every turn to check documents and the likelihood of needing to show your passport on a beach - well I think you are more likely to win the lottery. I have spent considerable amounts of time in Italy and have never been asked to show my passport - ever. I always leave it in the hotel.

Posted by
7209 posts

I have not carried my passport with me in Italy or France or Switzerland or Germany or etc...EVER. And I travel to Europe regularly. Just leave it in the hotel safe.

Posted by
5564 posts

Tim - I can top that...I have lived in Europe for a total of 8+ years and have never, ever, been asked to show my passport on the street (or on the beach, for that matter).

Posted by
8819 posts

The risk of loss or damage at the beach outweighs any possible downside of stowing it safely in the hotel safe. So if you are braced for your papers and don't have it on you? You'll just have to get it from your hotel safe.

I wear a one piece bathing suit and usually a rashguard shirt over that. I put valuables in a zip lock bag and just put it in my suit -- but sometimes it leaks -- I wouldn't do that with a passport. Wet money is not a big deal, but a soaked passport would be.

Posted by
16387 posts

Leave it in the hotel safe.

Every other alternative, especially sticking your passport in your body orifices while swimming, would cause even the Carabinieri (who are the butts of most Italian jokes) to die of laughter, and causing the death (even on account of too much laughter) of the Carabinieri will cause you more trouble with the law than not carrying your passport.

The law requires that a non EU citizen produce a valid ID document when requested by a police officer, UNLESS YOU HAVE A VALID REASON NOT TO HAVE IT (like being swimming in the middle of the Ionian sea).. The police officer can however take you to a police office for identification if you don't have it. In that case they have to notify the Procuratore Generale della Repubblica (Prosecutor's office) and they can keep you only for the time necessary to identify you, but no longer than 24 hours, unless they have a justified reason (for example you are a terrorist).

Posted by
16904 posts

...sticking your passport in your body orifices while swimming, would
cause even the Carabinieri (who are the butts of most Italian jokes)
to die of laughter…

I'm laughing so hard that I just might expire!

Posted by
17 posts

Thank you all for the great information!

Thank you especially, Roberto, for the laugh and the bit about the exception to the law. That eases my mind to know that there are practical exceptions.

Posted by
1898 posts

Like others, I never carry my passport with me while touring a city. I leave mine in the hotel. The front desk can hold it for you until you check out or use the safe in your room, if available. Silly that they tell you to have the passport on you at all's just not possible. I certainly would not take mine into the ocean in a pouch and possibility of having it get lost....and it certainly wouldn't be safe on the beach without someone there guarding it at all times.

Posted by
8366 posts

Given the recent security and refugee issues prompting increased checks, my rule of thumb would be not much different than usual, I do not worry too much about it if just wandering the neighborhood or the beach if within walking distance of the Hotel. If taking public transport, then some type of ID, if not your passport, would be prudent. If leaving town to look around or to a distant beach, then definitely take your passport.

Posted by
105 posts

Do not carry your passport to the beach, and when I am in Italy, it stays in my hotel safe. Take a picture of your DL and passport with your cell phone and use it....or carry an old fashioned paper copy. I always have my DL, and if police really question you, make them rake you to your hotel to see it. A lost passport can crush a trip, so keep it in your hotel safe.

Posted by
5564 posts

Probably worth pointing out that a US passport isn't really that desirable anyway. European passports are more so. Thieves just really want cash and phones. Passports will go in the garbage.