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Passport - must it be valid 6 months AFTER return to U.S.?

I have a trip to Italy all planned out, non-refundable plane tickets purchased & reservations made. I just read in Rick Steve's that I have to have a passport valid for at least 6 months after my return date. Does anyone know if this was a precaution, or a rule? I'm scheduled to depart here on May 6 & return on May 15. My passport expires of November 2. Just shy of the 6 month date.

If it is a strict rule, how long would it take to expedite?

Thanks for any help.

Posted by
24 posts

"If it is a strict rule, how long would it take to expedite?"

It's quite fast to renew US passports these days. My husband and I went to Russia in Sept 2008. His passport was shy of the 6-month validity period. We didn't want to risk it especially in a place like Russia. We used the expedited method to renew the passport. The new passport was ready in slightly less than 2 weeks. You need to schedule an appointment to appear in person at a Regional Passport Agency.

Posted by
5777 posts

The State Department has fact sheets with entry requirements for many countries.

Here is what they say about Italy:
ENTRY/EXIT REQUIREMENTS: Italy is a party to the Schengen agreement. As such, U.S. citizens may enter Italy for up to 90 days for tourist or business purposes without a visa. The passport should be valid for at least three months beyond the period of stay. For further details about travel into and within Schengen countries, please see our Schengen Fact sheet .

Here is the website if you want to see for yourself.

Posted by
223 posts

The airlines can use discretion when you check-in. Continental held me at Newark and was not going to let me board (I think I was one week shy of 6 months!!) and I begged and pleaded and, in the end, I only got through because I have dual-citizenship and was travelling "home" to Ireland (and with my family who were all travelling on Irish passports) and I believe, as an Irish citizen I had the right to exit the US (and then it was out of their hands whether Ireland would let me in)- had I not shown proof of EU citizenship, they would not have let me board the plane :-( so...persoannly...I'd pay the Passport offices to expedite a new one and not risk it.

Posted by
43 posts

It looks like Laura answered your question regarding the 3 or 6 month rule. But in case you decide to just renew it to be safe, just know that we applied for a new passport at the post office and received it 9 days later. We DID NOT expedite it.

Posted by
30 posts

If you decide to renew to be on the safe side (why not), I just applied for a passport and my husband renewed his. We both received our very quickly. I think mine came back in about a week and his took about 2 weeks.

Posted by
120 posts

Thank you for the responses.

I've been trying to determine if I should renew or not, but it seems that every official source I speak to, say I should be ok.

I spoke to the Italian Embassy in Washington, and they confirmed it needs to be valid 90 days after my return date.

I spoke to Alitalia, and they said my passport only needs to be valid when I return (no time requirements).

The US Department of State webpage also says 90 days after return date per the Shengen agreement of 1995:
"American citizens traveling for business or tourism are not required to have a visa for this initial entry into the Schengen area, but must have a passport valid three months beyond the proposed stay. (For a two week business trip, the passport must be valid for four months, for a two month holiday the passport must be valid for five months, for example.)"

I went to the Passport agency at the post office, and they said my passport to be valid when I return was the only requirement. They also said that since I have to relinquish my current passport, I would be better to renew once I get back rather than doing it now to ensure I have a passport when traveling.

Has anyone been had a similar circumstance, and either been stopped or allowed to board the plane?

Posted by
10344 posts

Note to Helpliners: Go here to answer this question:'s happened is that the original poster has posted a duplicate question (not necessary and is confusing) in the General Europe section it would help keep the discussion organized and focused if you don't answer this question in this thread.

Posted by
120 posts

I apologize for the duplicate question. I just wasn't sure if people who visit the General Europe helpline also visit the "To the Boot" helpline. I was just trying to get maximum exposure to hopefully put my concerns to rest.