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Passport expiration issue for Italy

Hi, I had just read about this recently for France where they will not let you in the country if your return date is within 90 days of your passport expiration date. I tried to find info on this for Italy but had found confusing info. My passport expires in mid May and I was planning on going to Italy from roughly Feb 8-23.
I know I can file an expedited passport renewal where it takes about 3 weeks. But that means I have to push the date back, and I have to anticipate that my passport will be renewed within 3 weeks. Who knows if it really will take 3 weeks since last year was a disaster in terms of delays. I would hate to have a delay and know my flight is in a couple days without me having my passport back. Does anyone know if I am ok with my current passport? Or should I push my trip back and renew? Thanks

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9109 posts

As far as I know all countries in Western Europe have the 90 day expiration rule; except Germany which has no expiration rule. In practice Immigration officers can make exceptions if your from a "rich" country like the US or Canada. On the other hand, your airline might refuse you boarding if your passport in not in compliance since they are financially responsible to return you home if you are refused entry. So it's a tough call, if it will make to sleep easier go for the expedited passport renewal. All of the those passport delays from last year have cleare up and supposedly its no longer an issue.

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1317 posts

The U.S. Passport Office seems to have things back under control, for the moment at least. I would imagine the delays may pick up as people start making plans for summer, but you should 'beat the rush'.

My dad went to get a new passport (his had expired many years ago) a couple of days after Christmas. It arrived in about 2 weeks, NOT expedited.

I say it depends on how much of a gambler you are...what is most comfortable for you: 1) go to Italy and take the chance that they (most likely) won't have a problem with it, 2) renew your passport and hope it comes back in time for your flight, or 3) play it safe and change your trip dates.

Given that passport renewals in particular tend to be quicker than new passports, I would personally be inclined to go with #2: renew expedited and cross your fingers.

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466 posts

always make sure you have at least 6-8 months before your passport expires. I have known two peole who have had trouble travelling with passports that were going to expire soon. Get a new passport to be safe!!!

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21 posts

Thanks for the info.
I'm going to the post office tomorrow to renew.

In a way, this gives me more time to research the spots I want to stay at.

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21 posts

Just got my passport today. It really took one week to have it expedited.