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Parking near Pompeii?

We will be driving a rental car from Florence to Sorrento and hope to stop at Pompeii along the way. Any suggestions on where to park and which entrance to park by?

Prefer a somewhat secure parking spot as we will likely leave our luggage.

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8056 posts

After exiting the Autostrada, we were suddenly in a not-enormous parking lot on the south side of the scavi complex. We parked for free, squeezed next to a tour comany mini van and across from a cafe with a few additional parking spots. There were ticket booths just ahead, but we walked up some stairs and clockwise around the perimeter of the scavi to the southwest entrance. Leaving the ruins, we looped back to our car in the small lot. The lot was busy, with a lot of people around, but whether that made it more safe or just would provide distractions for car thieves I don't know -- will your luggage be out of sight, in the trunk or under a hatch cover? All this was on New Year's Day 2013, and the ruins were open for short hours and weren't mobbed with crowds, but there were people (including one huge Russian tour group). You may have a different experience at another time of year. If you like the scavi at Pompeii, consider also visiting Herculaneum while you're in the Sorrento/Naples area.

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9110 posts

There's usually plenty of street parking along the main drag just to the west of the main entrance - - apparently most people show up on buses.

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1633 posts

In 2010, we found a parking lot by a campground. It was right by the main entrance where there are several restaurants and tourist stalls. If I remember correctly, I think there was a gentleman there collecting fees for the parking space. It was reasonable and worth it.

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24 posts

We have a Fist 500 rental( or similar) or at least that is what is listed. This looks like a hatchback type and in fact all of the cars listed are this type on Hertz. It looks like there is closed off area in the back. Depending on what we find we may just unpack stuff and scatter the clothes over the car to make it look messy. This and some trash make things look un-inviting. I saw this place:

But this might be west of the main entrance. Is this the main entrance?,14.4954216,3a,75y,358.4h,73.5t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sZm0mFl0OwsSxme5BX23F-A!2e0!6m1!1e1

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9110 posts

The Fiat 500s are becoming increasingly common as the smallest rental. The little shelf behind the rear seats hides everything stuffed into the back hatch.

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9110 posts

The second link looks to be aimed at what I call the main entrance. Spin it around a bit and the area I use is just past the red car.