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Parking near Accademia in Florence

We were planning to travel through Umbria to Florence by train but the rail strike yesterday forced us to change our plans. We now are driving and will need to park near our Airbnb in Florence. Driving in Florence was not our original intent! Would anyone have a recommendation where we could park our car and leave it for 2 nights near the Accademia? Our Airbnb is near the gallery so parking near here would be optimal. Thanks in advance for any advice!

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8500 posts

Florence center is a ZTL and you can't drive there. Your AIRBNB should be able to advise you if they can arrange for a permit for you to do so and if there is parking available nearby. But probably you will need to find a garage or lot outside the ZTL. You can literally rack up hundreds of Euros in fines by driving in ZTLs as they are camera controlled and you can get several fines in one trip as you pass cameras.

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5 posts

Thank you Janet. I am aware of the ZTLs so trying to be proactive. I have inquired of the property manager but haven’t heard back yet. I would have prepared earlier but didn’t think we were driving. Hopefully will hear something soon. We are from Chicago as well!

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1671 posts

There are two options: first, the airbnb finds you a private garage, the garage can arrange the ZTL permit. Please note that you need a permit also for unloading/loading and be sure to ask the exact itinerary as due to tram construction Piazza S. Marco and its accesses are a complete mess. Also, all the streets in the area are one-way only, so if you miss a turn you may find to have to drive a lot to get back.
Or, second, you can use the parking silo at the Parterre area, out of ZTL area.
Even if you have ZTL access, don't assume you have a parking permit, and even if you have do not assume you can find a place.

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8500 posts

Oh yeah -- the whole area near Academia around San Marco is a total mess at the moment -- we visited the old monastery museum a few days ago and it was quite a mess to get there on public transport then foot -- I'd probably park outside the ZTL in a garage and walk or cab to the AirBNB.