Hi Travel Forum
We are planning on driving to Pisa and Lucca and looking for parking areas? Any assitance is appreciated.
Hi Travel Forum
We are planning on driving to Pisa and Lucca and looking for parking areas? Any assitance is appreciated.
For Pisa, just follow the brown tourist signs to the Leaning Tower, and right outside the gate is a attended parking area allowing you to walk right into the are where the Tower and Dumuno are. As far as Lucca, we just parked outside of the walls on the street with no problem.
You can see the Pisa parking, free (parcheggio gratuito) and pay (parcheggio a pagamento), on this interactive map. http://www.pisamo.it/interno.php?id=6&lang=it If you arrive toward noontime, there are usually free spots available as people leave work, but you have to walk further.
Lucca is pretty easy as you can see here: http://www.metrosrl.it/en/park/map
You can also use the Michelin Navigation app. Shows parking and fuel locations.
How secure is the parking in Pisa - I have heard that even having an attendant is not enough to discourage theft from motor vehicles? We also plan to park, but will have all our luggage with us as we are travelling through Pisa onto Bologna.
Are there other secure options available?
Luggage - make sure it's in the trunk of the car with a lid that actually closes...not in a hatchback with the luggage easily viewed by potential thieves. Is it not possible for you to take the train and leave the luggage in your hotel.
Hi Tim,
Sorry for the late reply.
Unfortunately we're travelling from Cortona, through Pisa onto Bologna in one day with a full car.
I had hoped there was some secure parking in Pisa, and was willing to pay for the privilege!