Hello, We are coming from Venice by train to train station (Bologna centrale), renting a car at Sixt car rental at 2:30pm and we have probably 3 hours to visit Bologna and maybe grab a quick snack and go to Riccione for 2 days. Can you advise please how to plan this day. Where to park with rental car (our luggage - 2 carry ons, will be in the car. Is it safe? And what we can visit during 3 - 4 hours? Thanks a lot.
http://www.bolognawelcome.com/guida-turistica/arrivare-e-muoversi-in-citta/params/CategorieLuoghi_32/ref/Parcheggi Visit: Piazza Maggiore, Duomo, Torre Asinelli.
Yes, I also think about this. If station has lockers. Also I don't know if my reservation will work later or maybe I can ask office to have my car there in parking lot.
Be sure you ask at the Sixt counter where the ZTL is. This is an area where you will get expensive ticket(s) if you drive into; all cars are captured by automatic cameras. I believe Sixt is by the train station, so a wrong turn or two will put you inside the zone. For that matter, be sure to keep an eye out for the ZTL in other towns you may visit.
You do have your IDP, right, Lilla?
Thanks a lot for replies. yes we have International driver licence.
The station does not have lockers but does have a staffed left luggage office. http://www.grandistazioni.it/cms/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=0e08d8a55b4eb110VgnVCM1000003f16f90aRCRD
On an Italy trip 3 yrs ago we were ending a trip here flying out of Bologna to Rome but did not drive here. Got rid of our car at the airport and took a taxi into Bologna. My husband has driven quite abit in Italy but was glad he was not driving here. I agree with previous poster to push back the time you pick up your car, stow your luggage at the train station and go see Bologna.