Forgive me for piggybacking, but I have a similar question. I've been flown into/out of CDG a few times including just this last May, and a few years ago I did a connection home from Berlin via CDG back to the US which worked well. But, things do change at airports over time.
I'm planning a trip to Poland and the Ukraine next spring and have already booked an award ticket into/out of CDG. The trip is far from firm yet, and I am looking flight connection options, the two obviously ones being:
Fly from US to CDG, on to Kiev; fly home out of Warsaw to CDG, home to US same day
Fly from US to CDG, onto Warsaw; fly home out of Kiev to CDG, home to US same day
In my understanding, because Ukraine is not Schengen that when I connect in CDG to or from Kiev, I only go through security at CDG and not passport control, right? But Poland is Schengen, so I would go through security AND passport control to or from Warsaw. (Only carry-on bags, not checked bags.) As of right now, it seems I'd fly into terminal 2 and both Kiev and Warsaw flights also go out of terminal 2; not sure about flying home to the US.
Is it better to go one way or another, assuming about the same amount of connection time in CDG? I am booking these Europe tickets separately and know the risks - have done this before but mostly at AMS, though.
Actually, it looks like flying out of Kiev to CDG and home to the US, I'd have about three hours to connect and just over three hours flying in from Warsaw instead. I guess I'd worry more about this connection because if I miss the connection, I am stuck in Paris maybe that night, but flying from the US into CDG, there are plenty of other flights I could get to Kiev and especially to Warsaw, even if I'd have to buy them at full fare.
Any thoughts? (No, I don't want to spend a night in Paris on either end.)