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Pantheon ticket websites confusing

I have been looking at the websites given in RS’s Italy book and at 2 sites mentioned here on the forum.
One website only offers tours for 15 Euro and not the 5 Euro entrance. That is the pantheonroma website.
Another website requires you to register and then my computer said the email I received to verify my email address was suspicious, and it showed up in spam. (I am not incredibly tech savvy so I am wondering if I should proceed and register or not here).
The website in RS’s book did not let me progress far enough to look at available dates.

Any help clarifying this would be appreciated.

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The Italeo musei website where you need to register is the correct site. I am not sure why your system flagged it as suspicious. Most of us have found we cannot book with credit cards on this site; for some reason it’s not set up to accept US credit cards. You should be able to book with PayPal. There is a £1.50 fee per order for doing so.

I’ve seen the site that shows the £15 tickets and knew it wasn’t the official site because of the ticket cost. This is second hand and therefore may not be entirely accurate but I believe some months ago someone here reported discovering that using that site had purchased them an audio guide only, NOT an actual entry ticket to get into the Pantheon. I’m not sure if it’s just someone selling tickets and a tour for more money than the actual ticket price or a bait and switch, but I wouldn’t book anything there.