What is the official site to purchase Pantheon tickets? Would like Entry only, no guide. Many sites are charging for children's tickets ( under 18), although the website indicates they are free.
Yes and audio guide is an extra 10 euros. Is it necessary to get the audio guide or can I just use the Rick Steve guide?
You can just rely on Rick.
Fastest way in is to walk up and pay cash.
The line for people checking in with advanced tickets is long. Much longer than the line to just pay cash.
Scott B....if you pay for a ticket the day of, do you get in right away when you purchase it? Or do you have to go find another line and stand/wait in it to enter?
Don't buy in advance. Simply walk up to the ticket office (to the left in the front), pay cash (euros), and there will be no wait or little wait. The pre-paid and credit card lines will be much longer.